
Clued Into Health



Step 1: First, you will be assigned to a group of 4 students
Step 2: In your groups, you will, then, use the blue link provided under the "Process" tab, labeled "KIDS HEALTH for kids", to find out all the different types of foods that are listed under each food group. To find them, click on the picture of the "stick person" climbing the Food Pyramid.  It will be labeled, "Interactive Food Guide Pyramid" with a flashing, "Go" sign.  After finding the different types of food, draw a category (box) for each of the five food groups and label them each on a piece of notebook paper (grains, vegetables, fruits, milk & dairy products and meat, beans, fish and nuts). After completing that part, list examples of the types of food that can be found under each food group.
Step 3: After exiting the box for the "Interactive Food Guide Pyramid", scroll to the bottom of the same web page and click on the blue link that says "continue". Read through the second page to find out what servings of these foods are recommended each day for your age group (4-8 years). On your same piece of notebook paper, label the correct serving size under the food group to which it belongs.
Step 4: Once you have all your food pyramid information, talk in your groups about why you think the food pyramid is important and how you think it can help us all to maintain, or keep, a healthier lifestyle.
Step 5: Using the information that you have found about the five different food groups, work with your groups to create a healthy meal that could be eaten for breakfast, one that could be eaten for lunch and also, one that can be eaten for supper!  You may use the website provided below, "USDA: My pyramid", to help you to create your meals.  Play the "blast off" game, provided on the USDA, website and try to come up with healthy meals and different types of physical activity.

After each group has made a list of breakfast, lunch and dinner combinations, we will share our "menus" with the entire class.  Be sure you include healthy drinks with your meals, as well! :)

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