
A Hero is Born



First, you will be assigned a group of four students. Once you are in your group, it is then time to pick a role.

 All students will be required to do the duties included in their role as best as they can. Daily log sheets will be required to turn into the teacher to get participation points. These daily log sheets will prove that all members of the group are working and that no person is doing less or more than their fair share.


  • HISTORIAN – The historian will become an expert on the history of super heroes. The historian will learn about the history of super heroes and must be able to compare and contrast the super hero you create to super heroes that have already been created. The historian will write a brief 3 paragraph paper describing your super hero and then comparing and contrasting it to other heroes. The historian will be responsible for teaching other members of the group what they have learned. For the Power Point Presentation, the historian will present two slides. One slide will compare the created super hero to super heroes of the past; the other slide will contrast the created super hero to super heroes of the past.


  • OFFICAL ARTIST – The official artist is in charge of drawing the super hero and designing the super heroes’ costume. While the official artist gets to make the final decision about the way the super hero looks, the official artist must consult other group members when working on the design. Before drawing the super hero, the official artist must learn about how color can affect the way people feel. The official artist will then use this information to decide what color the super heroes costume will be, discuss this choice with the rest of the group and begin the rough and final draft. For the Power Point Presentation, the official artist will present two slides. One slide will describe how the super hero looks, including the costume. The other slide will describe why the official artist chose to have the super heroes costume look that way. PLEASE NOTE: The official artist will not be graded on artistic talent. However, neatness, effort and creativity will be taken into consideration.


  • BIOGRAPHER – The biographer will be an expert on the story of your super hero. Who is your super hero? How did he or she get their powers? How does your super hero use their powers? The biographer will be responsible for taking notes when members meet to decide on the details of their superhero. The biographer will then take this information to write a short biography of your super hero. For the Power Point presentation, the biographer will present two slides giving the details on your super hero’s life story.


  • THE SALESMAN – The salesman will be responsible for convincing others that their group’s superhero is the best. The salesman will have to work closely with all members of the group so that the salesman is an expert on everything there is to know about their super hero. The salesman will be responsible for writing a short paper explaining why their super hero would be the most popular. For the PowerPoint presentation, the salesman will create and present 3 slides to persuade others to vote for their super hero. An extra duty of the salesman is that the salesman must be prepared to present any group members slides on the day of their presentation if that group member is absent.



NOTE: All students will be required to fill out a daily log sheet each day. Your teacher will decide how these should be turned in.

After getting in groups and choosing roles, students will begin creating the next big super hero.

 Your first activity as a group will be to brainstorm some ideas for your super hero. Use the Brainstorming Guide to help you.

Once your group has come to an agreement on the information from the Brainstorming Guide, you will begin working on your individual work.

Remember your group members are here to help you! Ask them for ideas, suggestions, etc and assistance when you need it. Have them look over your work for spelling and grammar mistakes. Work together as a team and cooperate. Part of your grade will be how well you worked together. Solve any conflicts by compromising and cooperating. If a teacher, teacher’s aide or other adult has to intervene in conflicts, it will hurt your grade.



Individual Steps -

Historian – Please go to the following website to read about the history of super heroes.

Super Hero History

Be sure to take notes.

 When you are finished with this, you will begin to write your first draft of your 3 paragraph essay. Your first paragraph will describe your superhero. Your second paragraph will compare (say how they are the same) to previously created superheroes. Your third pargraph will contrast (say how they are different) your super hero to already created superheroes.

Once you have finished your first draft, check it for spelling errors and then begin work on your final copy. When you are completely finished with your paper, turn it in to your  teacher and begin brainstorming on ideas for your part of the Power Point. Don't forget you will be creating  two slides for the Power Point. One slide will compare your super hero to past super heroes (tell how they are the same). Your second slide will contrast your super hero to heroes of the past. (tell how they are not alike.)


Official Artist – Please go to the following website to learn more about how color influences emotions. Please take notes.

When you have finished, you will need to decide what color you want your super heroes costume to be and what you want the style to look like. Use the information you have learned to do this.

Once you have made your decisions, draw a very rough outline to show to your group members.

When you are finished with your outline, you will need to call a group meeting.

 Gather all of your group members together. Tell them what you have learned about how color influences emotion. Show them your outline and explain to your fellow group members why you chose the look that you chose. When all group members have approved your design, you may begin drawing your super hero.

You should draw your super hero in three different poses. For example, one pose with your hero just standing, another pose could show he/she using their powers. (Example: flying, lifting something heavy) Another pose could show what your hero looks like in regular clothing, or could be another drawing of your hero using another power. Please remember that it is very important that all of your drawings be appropriate for school. They should depict no drug, alcohol, or tobacco references. Costumes should not be too revealing, skimpy, or low cut. Costumes should not be contains references to sex, racism, or sexism. A good rule of thumb is “If you have to ask if it’s school appropriate, it’s probably not school appropriate.”

Make sure your drawings are creative and show effort. You will not be graded on your artistic ability, but rather your creativity and evidence of your hard work, effort, planning and thoughtfulness.


Begin planning your slides for the Power Point Presentation. Remember that you will be creating one slide describing how your super hero looks. Your second slide will describe why you chose to make your super hero look the way you did. Be sure to use the information you learned while researching how color effects mood to support your choice.


Biographer- It was very important for you to take notes during your brainstorming session. These notes will be vital to you in writing your superhero’s biography, so take extra care not to lose them. You will need to know these details very well as you are the expert on your super hero’s powers, character, and life story.

You are going to write a paper telling the story of your hero.  While you do not have to do any research or drawing, you have a lot of writing to do.

Your first paragraph will be a very brief introduction to your hero. These are just the basic facts about your hero. In this paragraph, you should tell your super hero’s name (Example: Superman) and their secret identity (Example: Clark Kent). Is your hero a man or a woman? About how old are they? What is your hero’s job when they are not out saving the day? (Example: Clark Kent is a newspaper reporter for the Daily Planet.) Where does your super hero live? (Example: Superman protects the world but his biggest focus is on the city of Metropolis. When Superman is Clark Kent, he lives in an apartment in Metropolis)

Your second paragraph will describe how your super hero got their powers. (Example: Spiderman got his super powers from a radioactive spider bite.) What are your hero’s powers? (Example: Superman has super strength, can fly, has x-ray vision, can shoot laser beams from his eyes, has ice breathe, and has invulnerability.)



Your third paragraph will discuss how your hero helps others. How does your super hero use their powers? Who does your hero protect? Does your hero protect one particular city, a country, the world or even other galaxies? Or maybe your super hero just protects children?


Your fourth paragraph will describe why your hero wants to help people. (For example, Batman became a super hero after witnessing the death of his parents as a young child. Batman didn’t want anyone else to experience what he had to go through)


Your last paragraph will be a conclusion.


When you have completed this writing assignment, you should spend some time checking over it for spelling, grammar and to make sure that you included everything necessary. When you are finished, be sure to turn it in to your teacher. Print an extra copy of this paper for all your group members so that can be better informed about your super hero when working on their parts of the Power Point presentation.


When this is complete, you should spend some time brainstorming for your part of the Power Point presentation. Don't forget you have to create two slides giving some of the basic info you supplied in the paper you just wrote.


The Salesman – Your duty is to convince other people that your hero is the best.

The first thing you need to do is a little brain storming.

First, you should create a list of TEN reasons why your super hero would be the most popular and successful creation.


For example, maybe your hero has a unique power, or maybe your hero has a really interesting origin story that people can relate to? Maybe your hero is older or younger than most super heroes or has a background different than most heroes. If you get stuck coming up with reasons, ask your other group members for ideas. You must have ten ideas.


When you have your ten ideas, you should pick out the three best and most convincing reasons. Ask your other group members if they agree with you and find out which ideas they like the best before you make your final decision.


Now you are going to write an essay with the purpose of convincing others why your hero would be successful. This essay will highlight your three best ideas.


First, you will write a short introduction to your paper explaining your purpose to the reader.


Your second paragraph will tell one of the three reasons you came up with. Use lots of supporting details. You should have at least three supporting details to support your statement.


Your second paragraph will tell your second of the three reasons you came up with. Use lots of supporting details. You should have at least three supporting details to support your statement.


Your third paragraph will tell your last of the three reasons you came up with. Use lots of supporting details. You should have at least three supporting details to support your statement.


To end your paper, you will write a brief conclusion that wraps up what you have said in your paper and reflects the statements you made in your introduction.


When you have finished this, check your paper for spelling and grammar. Make sure you have included all parts and have at least three supporting details for each paragraph. When you have completed this, turn it in to your teacher.


You may now begin brainstorming for your part of the Power Point presentation. Remember that you will be creating three slides. Each slide will present one of the three reasons you came up with.



The Power Point Presentation

When all group members have completed their individual tasks, it is time to come together as a group to create your Power Point presentation. You are each responsible for presenting your own slides. However, if a group member is absent on the day of the presentation, the salesman has the extra duty of presenting for that missing group member. While you are responsible for the slides assigned to your role (For example, the official artist has to create two slides. One describes the look of the super hero, the second describes the reasons behind that look.) you should work together as a group. Remember, how well you work together as a group does affect your grade.

The first slide in your presentation must be an introduction to your project. The last slide will be a conclusion to your presentation. The salesman will present these.

Your other slides can be in any order you choose as long as you have all of them and the required amount.

You are free to chose your own background, your own font and color scheme. However, you must have a background (not solid white) on each slide. Having a solid color background (any other color but white) is allowed. Your background must not make it hard to read your text or see your graphics. You may choose your own font and font color but font must be easy to read from a distance.

You must use at least four graphics/clip art. Three of  those four graphics/clipart MUST be the art work that the official artist created. The fourth graphic can be anything you would like as long as it has to do with your presentation. You may have more than four graphics if you like. Graphics/clipart can come from Microsoft Clip Art or from the internet. All graphics and clipart must be appropriate for school. Clip art and graphics may be put on any slide. Make sure your clip art enhances your presentation, is easy to see and is not distracting.

You must have at least two sounds on your presentation. You may have more than two if you would like. Sounds may come from the internet or be one of the sounds included with Power Point. Sounds must be school appropriate. Make sure your sounds enhance your presentation and do not distract the viewer.

Spelling and grammar does count on your Power Point Presentation. Be sure to check carefully. To receive full credit for spelling and grammar, you must make three or fewer mistakes.

Be sure to save your presentation often as you work on it in a place that is secure but easily accessible to all group members.

Be sure to look over the rubric/scoring guide on the Evaluation page of this WebQuest so that you will know exactly what you will be graded on. Be sure to look at any additional rubrics/scoring guides your teacher may be using to grade your performance.

It is important to practice your presentation before presenting to the class. Be sure you know what you are going to say. Don’t just read the presentation. That will bore the viewer. Get excited about your presentation, have a little fun with it, and your viewers will get excited about it too.

When all presentations are complete, your teacher will assign a day for class presentations. Don’t be nervous about presenting to the whole class. You worked very hard and will do well! After the presentations, your class will vote on which super hero should get its own comic book!

Good luck!






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    Description: Rubrics/Scoring Guides

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    Description: Daily Log Sheets

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