
The Real Pirates of the Caribbean



First things first:  You must assign roles for the members of your group.

Captain: This person will be the time manager for the group.  You will be responsible for keeping the group on task and making sure that you finish your task in the time frame given.  You will also be responsible for helping the other members of your group complete their, if they need it.

Artist:  You will be the person who draws the map.  The maps must be DETAILED, COLORED, AND HAVE A KEY, TITLE, AND COMPASS!  The map also must have accurate information taken from the online sources provided.

Researcher:  You will be in charge of doing the research for your group.  You will navigate the online sources provided and locate information to help the artist complete the maps and the recorder to fill out the historical information.

Recorder:  You will take the information provided by the researcher and complete the "Pirate Info" sheet and make any descriptions that need to be included with the map.

PLEASE REMEMBER:  Even though you each have a specific role, you are all responsible for the outcome of this webquest.  You must help and support each other to ensure that you all get the best grade possible.  You will hand in ONE finished project for your group and all members will receive the same grade.  Be sure to be a team player!

________________Step 1: Do not do until roles are assigned__________________

After you have decided on the roles for your group, you will do some research about the life of the Real Pirates of the Caribbean.  Find the "Pirate Info" sheet on the table in the front of the classroom (you will only need one (1) per group.)  Use the following resources to find information to answer the questions:

Introduction to Piracy

Famous Pirates

The Pirate's Life: Dead Men Tell No Tales


Pirate Life

The Life of A Pirate


**There is also a link to short article about the life of a pirate at the bottom of this page!**

________________Step 2: Do not go on until Step 1 is done!_________________

Now that you know about the life of a Pirate, you are ready to create a new map for the Royal Fortune.  Use the website below to find information about the routes taken and places visited by the Real Pirates of the Caribbean:

The Real Pirates of the Caribbean (especially the "Notorious Places of Pirate Lore" section!)

Pirates of the Caribbean from North to South

Pirate Places

If you found useful information on the other sites, please feel free to use those too!

Remember that your map must include:

-At least three sea routes and favorite ports that your ship travels to

-A title, key and compass

-Illustrations in color!

-A description of each route and stopping place on your map using accurate information from the websites provided.  This can be done on your map or on a separate piece of paper.

Be sure to follow your assigned roles, but also to help each other if you need to.  Also check the EVALUATION page to find the grading rubric for this assignment.    

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