
Boom! What is it good for?



   Activity 1: to begin with, listen to the song "War", by Edwin Starr (resource 1).  Why do you think it was created?

   Activity 2: now, let's listen to a similar song: Boom!, by System of a Down (resorce 2). What is it talking about? What is the video showing? What does "boom!" refer to?

   Activity 3: there were probably many words that you couldn't understand. Check them in a dictionary (resources 3, 4 and 5) and create a glosary with them. Once you understand the songs completely, answer to these questions:
What do the songs talk about? You may have discovered their meaning better after using a dictionary; which new ideas can you add?

   Activity 4: now, let's discover the songs' backgroud. Read the information about them and check when were the songs created and why (resources 6 and 7).

   Activity 5: it's time to get more specific information. Go to the articles about Vietnam and Iraq wars (resources 8 and 9), and answer to these questions:
When did these wars happen?
Which countries participated?
What were the reasons given to start these wars?

   Final activity: now that you know more about war, what is your oppinion about it? Do you think there is a justification to kill people? Decide if you support peace or war, and share your oppinion with your partners by creating a campaing supporting your oppinion. You may create a video, an audio, a poster...

   Please, share all your answers and final campaing using your page in our Wiki. And now... go and check the evaluation! It's going to be really helpful to you as a guide during the activities.

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