
Let's Play Hide and Seek



So, Ready for the work! Let's begin:


1. You will be divided into groups of three.

2. The teacher will assign the roles randomly.

3. Once roles have been assigned, each member will review his role reading the tasks of the webquest and the description of the roles in this section later.

4. Each member will start his role by reading the four messages and using the links below as a starting point.

5. Each member will record the results in the worksheet attached at the end of this section. 

6. The group members will discuss what they have reached according to their assigned roles.

7. As a group, share your ideas and create a tourist brochure that shows the beautiful landmarks of Egypt that Ibn Batotta visits using the links below to create an electronic one.

8. Be sure to create attractive brochure with suitable images and charming vocabulary convincing other kids to travel to Egypt.

9. Follow the steps to begin your game with Ibn Batotta.


10. In order to spot Ibn Batotta's place, consider the following roles:


  •  Investigator: you need to read the message carefully, guess which place is Ibn Batotta describing, navigate the links below, and record the location in the worksheet attached at the end of this section. Be sure to use the information from the links to help you.


  • Photographer: you need to read the links below carefully, record what people can see in the explored place in the worksheet attached at the end of this section, and save important images on the desktop. Be sure to use the information from the links to help you.


  • Planner: You need to read the links below carefully, record what activities people can do in the explored place in the worksheet attached at the end of this section, and save important images on the desktop. Be sure to use the information from the links to help you.


* Note: The worksheet attached will be used for the four steps. Before working on the steps, you need to print it four times so that you can use one worksheet for one single step.   

* Note: All the group members will record their information in the same worksheet after each message.


       1.    Step One:

Message 1:

         Now begin your first challenge. I am hiding in the northern part of Egypt, exactly in the centre of the capital city. At the moment I am enjoying the beautiful collections of the ancient Egyptians. Happy Hunting!


* Use the information in the links below to complete the worksheet according to your role.

* http://travour.com/travel-to-egypt/tourist-attractions-in-egypt.html

* http://travour.com/travel-to-egypt/tourist-attractions/cairo-museum.html

* http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/kidsguideegypt1.htm  

* http://www.animalmummies.com/learningfiles/pets.html

* http://www.animalmummies.com/learningfiles/sacreds.html

* http://www.akhet.co.uk/cairo.htm


        2.    Step Two:

Message 2:

       To win this challenge, you need to look at Egypt map as a whole. I can take only 5 or 10 minutes walk from my first place to this place. Now I am enjoying the beautiful and natural scenes. Can you find the spot in Egypt where am I hiding?


* Use the information in the links below to complete the worksheet according to your role.

* http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/nile.htm

* http://www.mbarron.net/Nile/activ_nf.html

* http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/kidsguideegypt1.htm

* http://www.min-travel.com/

* http://realtravel.com/nile_river-aswan-photos-d1082518-7.24.html


        3.     Step Three:

 Message 3:

         For this challenge, yo need to work a little harder. I am now standing beside a great symbol of Ancient Egyptian civilization. I can't imagine myself visiting Egypt without taking a tour in this magnificent place. Good Luck!


* Use the information in the links below to complete the worksheet according to your role.

* http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/kidsguideegypt1.htm

* http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/360143.stm

* http://www.kenseamedia.com/december/


         4.      Step Four: 

Message 4:

        Now I am hiding in the largest ancient religious site in the world. I couldn't tell you how big this place is. It consists of 3 main parts. Now I am watching this great sculpture. Happy hunting!


* Use the information in the links below to complete the worksheet according to your role.

* http://touregypt.net/featurestories/kidsguideegypt2.htm

* http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~nicholson/egypt/luxor.html

* http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/karnak.htm

* http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g294205-d459885/Luxor:EgyptTemple.Of.Karnak.html


         5.      Step Five:

      Depending on the information you gathered and recorded in the worksheets, and the images you have saved on the desktop, you will design a tourist brochure about Egypt. As a group, follow the tips in the following link to make a brochure. Be sure to read the tips very carefully so that you can produce your own brochure using the tips of this link. Make sure to convince kids to visit Egypt.


* http://www.mybrochuremaker.com/


Good Luck! I wish you the best.















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