
Math All Around Us



TASK #1:
You will be learning about how math is used in various jobs and will determine which math concepts you learned in school that would help you do each job.  In addition, you will explain how not learning how to do these types of math would effect your ability to do each job.  Finally, you will identify 3 additional jobs that require math.  Open organizer 3 below, complete it, and save it to your computer as you learn about jobs that require math in the links below:

Restaurant Owner: http://www.mathapprentice.com/restaurant_owner.html

Bicycle Designer:

Video Game Programmer:

Robot Scientist:

Computer Animator:


Building Contractor:

Roller Coaster Engineer:

TASK #2:
Do a job that requires you to use math by choosing at least 3 jobs on the Math Apprentice site below.  Use organizer 1 below, complete it, and save it to your computer as you follow the activities that allow you to do each job.


TASK #3:
Learn about ways that we use math in our daily lives at the links below.  When you are done go to: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGJkR05nYjlZSzhEWHlRejJrTWtKeXc6MQ and list 5 ways you use math in your daily life.  Make sure to include what type of math you used and why you used it.

How do I get the most for my shopping dollar?:  http://chalk.richmond.edu/education/projects/webunits/math/shopping.html

So your planning a party?: http://chalk.richmond.edu/education/projects/webunits/math/cooking.html

So your planning a trip?: http://chalk.richmond.edu/education/projects/webunits/math/trips.html

Will I ever be able to fill my piggy bank?: http://chalk.richmond.edu/education/projects/webunits/math/banking.html

Mathletics - Math in Sports: http://chalk.richmond.edu/education/projects/webunits/math/sport.html

TASK #4:
Use organizer 2 below to help you plan out your power point digital book.  When your plan has been approved by the teacher, open up power point on your computer and complete your digital book.

If you need help with making your power point you can go to one of the links below to get help:


http://www.woopid.com/search_result.php?search_id=power point


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