
Bully Buster's WebQuest



In order to complete your tasks and bring awareness to others about the harmful effects of bullying and what can be done to prevent it, each taskforce member of the team will be assigned one of four jobs. Once you have your assignment, it will be your mission to investigate and discover as much as you can on the subject. You must become an expert on what you find in order to educate the rest of your team and complete the project. Once all of your team members have chosen one of the jobs below, you may use the links and begin your investigations. When all of your taskforce members have specialized in their area, you will as a team, develop one of the two projects in task two to present to the rest of the school. The team must complete all four tasks to become certified members of the Bully Buster's Organization. Each task is listed below. All taskforce members will need to use a student check list to be sure all requirements for each task are being fulfilled. You will find the checklist in the attachment below. Since this is a team effort, your teacher will evaluate your team at the end of the project on how well you worked together. You may see the evaluation form your teacher will complete for your group under the evaluation section of the webquest. You may now begin.



Each taskforce member will choose one of four jobs to research and specialize in. You can choose to be a Bully Specialist, a Victim Specialist, a Bystander Specialist, or a Solutions Analyst. Once your team has decided who will do which job, you may use the links to do your research. Your team will put together a journal to refer back to when doing the remaining tasks. Each job has its own journal pages which need to be completed using complete sentences and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You can print off the entire journal, using the attachment below, and distribute the pages for each job to the taskforce members. When all team members have become specialists in their field of study, you will all meet and discuss what you have learned and put your journal together into a three prong folder which your teacher will provide. Your journal pages should be neat and legible.

See the scoring guide for the Bully Buster's Journal using the attachment below.



Using the links provided, you will research information pertaining to the bully. You will answer the following questions and complete your portion of the journal.

  • What is a bully?
  • What are some reasons students bully others?
  • Do bullies always work alone?
  • How often does bullying take place?
  • Who do bullies pick on?
  • How aware of bullying are adults?
  • What happens, many times, to bullies in the long run? (short and/or long term)
  • What are some different types of bullying?
  • What are some characteristics of a bully?












Using the links provided, you will research information pertaining to the victim. You will answer the following questions and complete your portion of the journal.

  • What is a victim of bullying?
  • What are some characteristics of the victim?
  • What are some harmful effects (short or long term) to the victim?
  • What are some things a person being bullied can do?
  • What are some things the person being bullied should NOT do?
  • What are some immediate things a person can do to help the victim? (This can be a bystander, a principal, or a teacher)










Using the links provided, you will research information pertaining to the innocent bystanders. This will include those who do nothing as well as those who become involved and try to help the victim. You will answer the following questions and complete your portion of the journal.

  • What is a bystander?
  • What are some reasons students keep quiet when they witness bullying rather than take action?
  • Why do some students take a stand while others do not?
  • What can a student do to help the victim?
  • What should a student who steps in to take a stand NOT do?












Using the links provided, you will research information pertaining to possible solutions for bullying. This will include what school districts, teachers, and students can do to prevent bullying. You will answer the following questions and complete your portion of the journal.

  • Why should school districts and teachers be concerned about bullying?
  • List two things school districts can do to help prevent bullying.
  • Do you think students would feel comfortable with these solutions for your school district? Why or why not? You must back up your opinion with reasons.
  • Do you think the solutions you chose would be realistic and doable in your school district? Why or why not? You must back up your opinion with reasons.
  • List five ways teachers can deal with or can try to prevent bullying.
  • Which do you feel would be the best way for teachers to handle bullying in your school? Explain. (Give reasons.)
  • List three ways students can deal with or can try to prevent bullying.
  • Which do you feel would be the best way for students to handle bullying in your school? Explain. (Give reasons.)














Your group will choose from one of the two projects below. You will work on the project together and present it to the other students in your school. (Presentations will be presented to fourth grade and up.) Your group will choose either project one or project two.



Your group will write a skit together and give a performance for the other students in your school. Each person in your group will choose one of the following roles:

  • The Bully - This person will play the role of the bully.
  • The Victim - This person will play the role of the victim.
  • Bystander 1 - This person will play the part of an innocent bystander who does nothing to help the victim. (However, this person does need to have some type of reaction. For example: This person may look afraid or maybe this person joins forces with the bully.)
  • Bystander 2 - This person will play the part of an innocent bystander who intervenes, appropriately, and helps the victim.

As a group, you will write a skit. Your skit must include:

  • All four roles listed above
  • The bully picking on the victim for some reason (could be clothes, hair, or any other reason you choose)
  • An appropriate way the bystander steps in to help

Be sure to narrate at the beginning in order to give your audience the setting. (For example, are you in the cafeteria, the restroom, etc.)


You are NOT allowed to read from the script when you do your performance. All members must memorize their lines and practice to give the appearance of an authentic bullying problem.


Your performance must be at least 5 minutes in length.


*NOTE: Your group must type up the skit and turn in a hard copy to the teacher. The skit must have correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


**NOTE - When you do your skit, you must not use props unless otherwise approved by the teacher. Under no circumstances are you to include weapons in your skit. Even if the weapon is fake, you CANNOT use it.


See the scoring guide for the Bully Buster's Skit using the attachment below.




Your group will develop a power point presentation to present to the other students in your school. (The presentation will be presented to fourth grade and up.) You will develop the presentation as a group and each person in your group must present the area in which they have specialized. Your power point must consist of at least 11 slides and contain the following components:

  • Title (Your group will make up a title, but it must relate to bullying.) (This slide should also include all the names of the students in your group) (1 slide)
  • Introduction (What your power point is about) (1 slide)
  • Bullying Information (This must explain what a bully is, how common bullying is, why bullies bully others, where it happens, different types of bullying, the characteristics of a bully, and any other information you feel others should be aware of.) (at least 2 to 3 slides)
  • Victim Information (This must explain what a victim is, the characteristics of a victim, harmful effects (short and long term) the victim endures, what a victim can do, what a victim should NOT do, and any other information you feel others should be aware of.) (at least 2 to 3 slides)
  • Bystander Information (This must explain what a bystander is, why some stand by and do nothing, what they can do to help the victim, what a bystander should NOT do, and any other information you feel others should be aware of.) (2 to 3 slides)
  • Possible Solutions (This should give at least one solution you feel is good that a school could implement to fight against bullying, at least three things a teacher can do to help victims, three things a victim can do, and three things a bystander can do.) (at least 2 to 3 slides)
  • Conclusion (This should close your power point presentation. Your group should include, in the closing, why they feel this knowledge is important to share with others.) (1 slide)

*NOTE: Your power point must have correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You may have more slides. However, you must have at least the number of slides for each topic listed above and no less than a total of 11 slides. Your presentation should take at least 10 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes.

*OPTIONAL: You may include pictures and special effects in your power point to make it visually appealing.

See scoring guide for the Bully Buster's Power Point using the attachment below.



Your group must create a poster for your school building in order to bring awareness to the rest of the staff and students. Your poster must include the following:

  • Your poster must have a slogan or poem against bullying.
  • Your poster must be done on a standard size poster board.
  • Your poster must be colorful, neat, and eye catching.
  • Your poster must have correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling unless otherwise approved by the teacher.
  • Your poster must have 10 - 20 signatures of students demonstrating your mission to bring awareness to others.
  • Your poster must have all group member's names on the back.

*TIP: You should probably draw out, on a piece of paper, what you want your poster to look like prior or making the poster.

See scoring guide for the Bully Buster's Poster using the attachment below



The Bully Buster's Organization has a mission to spread the word about the harmful effects of bullying. Before you are able to receive your official certificate, you have one final job. Each person in your group must spread the word to another school. Each person in your group will choose another school to write a persuasive letter to. Your teacher will have a list of schools for you to choose from with the address and the name of the principal for each school. You will write to the building principal persuading him/her to adopt the Bully Buster's program in their school. The idea is to accomplish the task of having bully free schools across America. Your letter must include the following components:

  • Your letter must contain all the components of a business letter. (You can see the components of a business letter by using the attachment below.)
  • Your letter must be typed.
  • Your letter must be at least one page in length.
  • Your letter must look neat and professional.
  • Your letter must have correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and be at least three paragraphs.

In order for your letter to be effective in persuading, it should include the following:

  1. What you are writing about.
  2. The knowledge you have gained through research and collaboration with your group such as:


  • Knowledge of what bullying is
  • Knowledge of the different types of bullying
  • Knowledge of what the victim endures
  • Knowledge of possible solutions
  • Why you feel it is important to bring awareness about this topic
  • Why the principal you are writing to should adopt this program into his/her school


*NOTE: You may let the principal know about your group project and offer to send a copy of the skit or power point presentation your group did if the principal wishes by giving your teacher's name, school name, school address, and school telephone number.


*IMPORTANT: Your letter must NOT give personal information about yourself such as your address, telephone number, etc. You may sign your name since your teacher is using a list of schools he/she has compiled.


*NOTE: Your teacher will mail all the letters after he/she has checked them.


See the scoring guide for the Bully Buster's Persuasive Letter using the attachment below


  • File
    Description: Rubrics for evaluations of tasks

  • File
    Description: Bully Buster's Membership Certificate

  • File
    Description: Student Check List, Journal, and Components of a Business Letter

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