
Multicultural Lesson-2nd Grade



Phase 1: Read through the PowerPoint slides below, keeping in mind the questions a) What traditions does your family have? b) What traditions does your culture have? Next, read the book My Culture by Bobbie Kalman provided in the link below. I'd like you to listen to some Bulgarian music, and there is a third link for that as well. Different types of music are very important in many cultures. 

Phase 2: Choose two family traditions and 2 cultural traditions to write about. Also, decide which if the traditions you learned about in the slides was most interesting to you. 

Phase 3: Write a paper with a minimum of 2-3 sentences describing each tradition you chose in Phase 2. Remember to use describing words and write as if you were explaining the tradition to somebody in another country.  Use correct spelling and punctuation and your nicest handwriting.  This will be a rough draft, but the more work you put into this draft, the less you will have to improve upon in your final draft.  


  • Multicultural Webcast
    Description: This is a webcast introducing students to a few different traditions around the world.

Web Link
  • Get Epic: My Culture
    Description: This is an Epic Book I would like students to read before writing their paper.

Web Link

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