
Autism Speaks : No More Stigma



Step 1 : Survey Participation Study

20 questions about the definition of autism, if you ever experienced it before in a certain context and how is it thought of in your community.

Step 2: Research 

1. The Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments of Autism.

2. How individuals with Autism are treated in communities.

3. How not seeking help or proper treatment affects an autistic person.

Please use scholarly websites such as .edu, and .org. Don't forget to reference you sources using APA style citation.

The objective of this step is to enrich your knowledge on autism.

Step 3: Raising Awareness on Social Media

Write a 300 words short story reflection about your findings that you will post on any social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Be creative and approach your followers with an eye-catching announcement. It should include your preconceived ideas of autism, how do you think now of autistic children, and how you will deal with autistic children after this class?  The goal of this step is to raise awareness and putting an end to "labeling" and negative preconceptions about autism.

Step 4: Re-Evaluation

You will take the survey again and obtain your final score. This will be a testament of how much you have learned and improved.

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