
3 Branches of Government



Boys and Girls,

Get your thinking hats on and get ready to work!

1.  Please go to the following website to print out the worksheet you need to complete while researching The 3 Branches of Government:


***This worksheet (3 Branches of Government) will be collected at the end of your PowerPoint Presentation.***

2. Print out the worksheet underneath "Resources". This worksheet needs to be completed. It will guide you through creating your PowerPoint Presentation.

3. Go to the following website to research the Judicial Branch:


4. Go to the following website to research the Legisltative Branch:


5. Go to the following website to research the Executive Branch:


6. Check out these website for additional information:



 7. Your next step is to create a PowerPoint Presentation with your assigned group. Your PowerPoint Presentation must include:

~ A Title Page needs to be labeled "3 Branches of Government."

~ 2 Slides for each Branch of Government.

~ The first slide there should include the name of the Branch and a picture that relates to the Branch.

~The second slide needs to include important information about that Branch. Such as who the Branch is lead by and which powers each Branch has.

**Don't forget to use your worksheet to help create your PowerPoint Presentation!

~ A Conclusion Page needs to include the name of each member in the group.

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