
Your management and organization skills can help you deal with problems at work!



Everyone wants to be successful. Some people found the key to success, some are searching for it, and some are losing it. And you are about to approach it... within some steps...

Step 1:
- Go to
http://managementhelp.org/mgmnt/skills.htm to find your skills of management and organization.
- Choose one of the situations posted in the Introduction of this WebQuest.

Step 2:
Go to Nicenet.org to write your post on the appropriate discussion topics;
+ the detailed structure of a company,
+ a suggested change for the organization of your friends' company, plus reasons,

Step 3:
Prepare to convince your friends that the structural organization of your company is effective and will meet the criteria for  good management.

Step 4:
Give presentation from step 3 to the group on a web meeting, using my host account for a web meeting online at http://www.dimdim.com. You will take turn to present yours and listen your friend's feedback.

Step 5:
Refer back to Nicenet.org (if you have not joined Nicenet,use this
Class Key: E29Z734K36 to join this class) and continue to post your ideas on this conferencing and post your reflection about what you have learned from the chapter, materials, and your friends.

Is success reaching you? Think about it and go to the Evaluation page of this WebQuest to find your answers.

Note: the above image is retrieved from http://www.google.com.vn/imglanding?q=steps%20to%20success&imgurl=http://robertnoell.com/sales-training-blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/steps-to-success.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.robertnoell.com/sales-training-blog/%3Ftag%3Ddemonstration-drive&h=627&w=463&sz=55&tbnid=4nLX6cMIINzXTM:&tbnh=262&tbnw=193&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsteps%2Bto%2Bsuccess&hl=vi&usg=__8O6dGPgCKjJVDWflgCoQg6Agyd8=&ei=uLHiS9m1GIrUsQOO2pC6DQ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&ved=0CAYQ9QEwAA&start=0#tbnid=4nLX6cMIINzXTM&start=0

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