
Suicide Webquest




Let's get started!

Here are your 15 questions that you must answer using the resources provided:

1. What are 2 warning signs of Suicide?

2. What is suicide?

3. It is important to ignore warning signs or symptoms of suicide. (T/F)

4. Suicide is the _________ leading cause of death in the United States.

5. What is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number?

6. In 2017, there were an estimated _____________ suicide attempts.

7. In 2017, _____________ Americans died by suicide.

8. What is a suicide attempt?

9. What are 5 risk factors of suicide?

10. Suicide has an everlasting effect on family, friends, and the community. (T/F)

11. Mental health conditions are often seen as the cause of most suicides, but suicide is hardly ever caused by any single factor. (T/F)

12. List 5 factors that contribute to those who committ suicide.

13. What are the five steps to help someone at risk for suicide according to the CDC?

14. On average, how many suicides are there per day in America?

15. What is the name of a celebrity that has committed suicide? (this is the celebrity you plan on researching)


Answer these basic questions about the celebrity you plan on researching:

1. Who are they and what were they known for?

2.When and how did they commit suicide?

3. Were there any warning signs before the committed suicide?

4. How were family, friends, and fans affected by their death?


Using the information that was found, create a poster that shows statistics, facts, celebrity research, prevention, and awareness of suicide.

There should be at least 6 facts/statistics, 3 pictures, 2 pieces of information promoting information and awareness of suicide, a picture of the celebrity you chose, and the basic facts you found about them.

The poster must be neat, factual, and organized. Please be creative and use pictures to enhance the poster. You will present the posters next week during class!


Web Link

Web Link

Web Link

Web Link
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
    Description: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides people with a number they can call for confidential support when contemplating committing suicide.

Web Link
  • Suicide Statistics
    Description: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides current statistics on suicide.

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