
The Solar System



Step one: Students in groups of 3-4 are to visit this link and begin researching about each planet. While doing this they can fill in their planet chart. 

Planet Chart

Links: http://www.kidzone.ws/planets/index.htm


Step two: Now that you have gathered the information you need and have filled out your planet chart. Lets put the planets in order! You and your group mates can draw each planet on a sheet of paper and label them. 

You can use this website as an additional resource. 

Link: https://kidsastronomy.com/solar-system/

Step three: Creating a 3D model 

We now have a good understanding of all the planets and where they stay in our solar system. It's time to get creative and have fun! You and your group are going to work together to create a 3D model of the solar system.  I have provided the materials needed. There are various sized styrofoam balls and different colored paints for your use. Once all the planets have been colored we will use sticks to place into the Sun and stick thee planets into it based on distance from the sun. 

Step four: What did you learn?

In this final step you will go back to your desks and work individually. You will get out your science journals and write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about 5 things you learned during this activity and one or two things you already knew before beginning this activity. 

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