
My First WebQuest: Odsan Combined School



First, we should learn definition of a biome. A biome is defined as a designated community characterized by the adaptations of organisms and the dominant vegetation in that particular environment . So it is a place which has plants and animals that are special to it and not found in different environments.
Here is a short video about biomes: https://kidsbiology.com/biology-videos/biomes/
To help us learn about these, we will look at some short videos on biomes. I want you to write in your notebook five (5) facts about each biome we learn about, after each video. I have listed the videos below. Please go throw them, one by one, and after each video write five interesting facts about each video. 

Click on each video below to learn more on different Biomes.  Write what you learn in your notebook. 
 Now you can study about the following:  
Saltwater Biome: Coral, Kelp Forest
Freshwater: Rivers, Ponds and Lakes
Now that you have learned about the different biomes around the world, let’s use our imagination to create a graphic organizer for a narrative story.
Use this website to learn how to make a graphic organizer: Copy and paste it in a blank url.   https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/genia-connell/graphic-organizers-personal-narratives/


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Web Link
  • Jungle
    Description: What happens in the jungle

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