
Effects of Plastic Waste On Living Beings



In order to perform the tasks assigned throughout this WebQuest students must follow the next procedure:

1. Get into groups of four. Once in your teamwork, decide which role each person will play in order to have a better organization to perform your assignment.   The roles are based on Reciprocal Teaching strategy and must be used for document all the readings, videos and the other resources the teacher facilitates you.

Remember, everyone must work on his/her role due to it will facilitate the inquiring process.

• Summarizer: you will summarize the main ideas of the readings and videos in order to facilitate their comprehension.

•Questioner: you will make questions about the things you consider are most difficult to comprehend.

•Clarifier: you are the person in charge of clarifying the topics your partners do not understand as well as highlight important information.

•Predictor: you will use your prior knowledge about the topics in order to make predictions about what they are going to be about.

Note: every member must read the texts and watch the videos.

2. You and your group members will search information about the plastic waste, its bad effects on human and animal health and its effects on the environment. Use the following sites for your investigation. (You can also search by yourselves, but make sure you go to the links below).


 Bryce, E. [Ted-Ed]. (2015, 04 , 21). What really happens to the plastic you throw away [Video]. taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6xlNyWPpB8




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