
Northeast Woodlands Native Americans



Chief Mundoo has assigned you to a group of 4 students.  Each group will be assigned a different Tribe! Make sure each member of your group takes notes about your tribe!! Answer the questions!  For at the end you must use what you have learned to create a masterpiece!!

Group 1: Algonquin Indian Tribe

Group 2: Iroquois Indian Tribe

Group 3: Lenni Lenape Indian Tribe

Group 4: Mohegan Indian Tribe

Group 5: Shawnee Indian Tribe

Group 6: Wampanoag Indian Tribe

Each group will research their own tribe and go to their own websites plus all groups will go to some of the same websites. So have fun on your adventure in Northeast Native American Territory!!

Each group go to your tribes website and read the different paragraphs on where they lived, what their homes were like, what their clothing was like, what was their transportation, what was their food like, and what their arts and crafts were like.  Please read any other facts that your group finds interesting!

Group 1: http://www.bigorrin.org/algonquin_kids.htm

Group 2: http://www.bigorrin.org/iroquois_kids.htm

Group 3: http://www.bigorrin.org/lenape_kids.htm

Group 4: http://www.bigorrin.org/mohegan_kids.htm

Group 5: http://www.bigorrin.org/shawnee_kids.htm

Group 6: http://www.bigorrin.org/wampanoag_kids.htm

Where is your tribe from? What did your tribe eat? Did they hunt? If so, what did they hunt? Did they gather? Did they grow fruits and vegetables? Did they fish? What kinds of homes did they live in? What did they make their homes out of? What did they make their clothing out of? How did they get from place to place? Did they wear jewelry? If so, what was it made out of? Don't forget take notes!!

ALL groups will go to the following websites:

1. http://www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/Curriculum%20Info/NativeAmericans/index.html

Where in the United States can you find the Northeast Woodlands?  Click on the region on the map (it is the green area on the right of the map). Read the few sentences on the next page, and then click on the arrowhead to go onto the next page. 

What kind of land makes up the northeast? What is the weather like? In the summer? In the winter? Does the Northeast get enough rain for the Native Americans to grow crops? Click on the arrowhead to go on to the next page. Click on the home that you think belongs in the woodlands (northeast). If you clicked on the longhouse, you were right! Read about longhouses and the other types of houses.

2. Did you ever wonder if Native Americans in the Northeast used canoes for transportation? What would they use to build one? Well read the first paragraph of the following website to find out!


Go to this website to take a look at a Native American birchbark canoe!


3. Where does the name "poison dart frog" come from? Read paragraph 5 from the following website to find out! Did you listen to the poison dart frogs??!


What Indians use poison dart frogs to poison their blowpipe darts? Where in the world do they do this? How do you think they get the poison from the frog?

4. What do you think the Native Americans made jewelry out of? Go to the following website and read the first paragraph and look at the pictures!


So they used animal bones, teeth, and claws to make jewelry.  What else did they use animals for?

5. Before you go on...all groups will take a fun quiz!! Go to this website and complete the quiz!


6. Now for your group's masterpiece!!!! Your group must decide to create a wig-wam or longhouse village! This is your way of being accepted into Northeast Native American Territory!! Once your group has decided on which one they want to create, go to the following website and find out how to get started!! Supplies will be provided in class.  This project will be done only in class.

A.  Wig-wam village:  http://www.museum.state.il.us/muslink/nat_amer/post/htmls/activities/re_wigwam.html

B.  Longhouse village: http://www.scott.k12.va.us/martha2/longhouseactivity.htm

Don't forget trees, a lake, pond, or river, a fire pit, animals, Native Americans and anything else that would belong in your village!!

Assessment:  You will be graded on the appearance of your wig-wam or longhouse village and if you demonstrate what you learned from your research on Native Americans in the Northeast Woodlands region.  When everyone is done, all groups will present their villages to the class!  Each group will also use their notes to tell the rest of the class some important facts that they learned about their tribe! After all groups have presented, all students will write what they learned in their journals about the Northeast Woodlands Native Americans and include as many details. This will be an individual assessment.  

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