
Punctuation Addict



The procedure that you have to follow for each task and activities is the next.

Before starting every activity, please download the extension Grammarly (link: www.grammarly.com).  Grammarly is a sophisticated set of grammar checking tools that can help to improve your writing by improving grammar, word choice, and basic spelling or punctuation mistakes.


Task 1: 

1- For the first activity you will make teams of 3 and work on an investigation question that you can find in Padlet. (link: https://padlet.com/missaelgonzalez45/2vtzzaqnkjmt) 

2- In teams, you will have to research and look up on the internet some articles related to parts of a paragraph and some basic punctuation rules. Note: No more than 300 words.

3- The Investigation should be written on Grammarly Docs. to make sure there aren't any grammatical mistakes.

4- Copy and past the finished and corrected investigation on the Padlet page where the investigation question is.

5- share your findings with the rest of the class,


Task 2: Creation of Comic

1- You will put into practice what you have learned about parts of a paragraph and also put to use the knowledge you have learned about punctuation rules. 

2- See the tutorial on how to create a comic in Pixton. (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAX9ILv_vIM) 

3- Make teams of 2 and create an account on Pixton. (link: https://www.pixton.com/mx/) 

4- The topic for the comic you will be creating is "A funny story that happened to you in the movie theater".

5. Make sure you don't have any punctuation errors. Note: Use what you have learned about punctuation rules. Do not use Grammarly to correct errors.

6- Publish your comic on Pixton and share it with another team. Next, give feedback and check for punctuation errors. (Feedback will be placed in the section of comments of the comic in Pixton)

Tutorial to create a comic



Task 3: Write a Paragraph

1- Individual work.

2- Open a Word document and write a paragraph about a movie you have seen or a book you have read using what you have learned about structuring a paragraph and the rules of punctuation. (No more than 300 words)

3- Go to Padlet and see the notes created by your team and others if needed. (link: https://padlet.com/missaelgonzalez45/2vtzzaqnkjmt) 

4- Create your paragraph and copy and paste the text from word into Grammarly Docs to check for any grammatical mistakes.

5- Copy and paste the corrected text into the word document with the unrevised paragraph. Note: On the word document you should have 2 paragraphs. The first paragraph is the original version. The second paragraph is the corrected paragraph copied and pasted from Grammarly. 

6- See what you have problems with and keep practicing.


Task 4: Suggestion Letter 

1- Individual work.

2- Open a word document and write a suggestion letter which will be sent to a movie theater company. suggest something you noticed that can be improved or something that is missing. (Extention 250-300 words)

3- Here are some examples of suggestion letters and follow each step of the structure and make sure to use the parts of a paragraph and punctuation rules. Example: http://www.letters.org/suggestion-letter/sample-suggestion-letter.html 

4- When finished send your work to your teachers via email.


Teachers email: losincredibles@gmail.com 


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