
The Cold War enters outer space!

Mission preparations


Phase 1:

You and your partner will now perform the research for your timeline.  Taking notes is advised.  Use the rubric to self-evaluate before turning in the assignment.  Remember, the timeline must include detailed explanations of:  the Space Race which includes reasons for the Cold War, one item from each of the categories listed (total of 5 items must be on your timeline), and how the Space Race changed the United States of America.

  • notable Russian and American spacecraft;
  • admired astronauts;
  • technological advancements;
  • notable space travel ‘firsts’ such as the first Moon landing;
  • and, disasters.

You must individually watch How the Cold War Launched the Space Race.
You must individually watch The Space Race (1955-1975).

Working together, complete the "Racing to Space" sections of the virtual field trip to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space exhibit on the Space Race.  Complete the worksheet which is at the bottom of this page.  The other sections of the virtual field trip are optional but may help you with your timeline.

The remaining sites are optional but recommended.  You and your partner may view them together.  Don't forget to take notes for your timeline.

American astronaut profiles.

Cosmic menagerie. 

Space disasters.

Soviet space firsts.

Technological advancements.

Effects on politics.

The power rivalry.

Phase 2

You and your partner should review your notes and determine which items to put on the timeline.  Draft your introduction, conclusion, and individual timeline items.  Revise them carefully.  You will write the final version on your timeline.

Phase 3

Use the timeline creator to build your final product.  You and your partner only need to turn in one.  Be sure to save it to your thumb drive frequently so you do not accidentally lose your work.  When you are finished, email the timeline and worksheet to me. 


  • Worksheet for Virtual Field Trip
    Description: Complete the "Racing to Space" sections of the virtual field trip to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space exhibit on the Space Race. Complete this worksheet and turn it in with your timeline. You and your partner may complete one worksheet together.

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