
Consuming a well-balanaced, nutritious diet and how to live a healthy life.



***Prior to the web quest, students should already have a meal log of their past 2 week consumptions, listing everything they've ate/drank with serving sizes included.***

Step 1: Read through Eat Healthier: Alliance for a Healthier Generation and note the things that are interesting to you. You will need to come up with a few goals for yourself. Goals are an easy way to stay motivated, they are constant reminders of where you want to be. Hang these goals up on a bathroom mirror, your bedroom door, or anywhere that you are going to see them at least once a day.

Step 2: Get to working! Get into groups of 3-4 and read through Healthy Eating: Simple Ways to Plan, Enjoy,and Stick to a Health Diet. Note the things that seem most important to you as an individual and share with your group.

Step 3: Now I want you to formulate and ideal meal plan- looking at proper intakes of fats, carbs, fruits, veggies, liquids, starches, etc. Download and use the application MealPlan: Meal and Grocery Planner. Looking back on the meals you've consumed the last 2 weeks, how close are you to matching these? What food groups did you eat too much of?  What food groups did you not eat enough of?

Step 4: Now I want you to come up with a new meal guide, start planning for all your meals and snacks for a  couple days, and the goal is to work your way up to 2 straight weeks. Still use the application, MealPlan.

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