
The U.S. Labor Movement



Step 1  Use the given websites to research the historical reasons for why the Progressive Labor Movement was created

Step 2  Create an outline of the points that you want to bring to potential supporters' attention

Step 3  Find at least 5 photos that represent the Progressive Labor Movement

Step 1 Come up with a creative name for your union

Step 2 Place at least 3 historical reasons on your brochure to convince other factory workers to join your cause

Step 3 You will need to have at least 5 visuals in your brochure.  Be creative!

Step 4 Make sure you have enough information in your literature to convince fellow factory workers to support your union/cause including the demands of your union

Step 5 Make sure to tell your future supporters who the founders of the labor movement are and why they pushed so hard for change in the workforce


Web Link

Web Link

Web Link
  • The Haymarket Affair
    Description: In the summer of 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions called for May 1, 1886, to be the beginning of a nationwide movement for the eight-hour day.

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