
Present Tense

Read instructions carefully


Read the following instructions as your guidance to do the exercises. 

1. - Put s/es when it is singular ( HE/SHE/IT)

    - Use TOBE when there is no verb in the sentence 

       Use is when the subject he, she, it

       Use are when the subject  you,we,they 
       Use am when the subject I

2. - When the sentence use s/es, change into the base verb( without additional) then put "does not" before the verb when the subject singular( he/she/it)

    - Use "do not" before the verb when the subject (I,you,they,we)

       Use "am not" after tobe when there is no verb and the subject I

       Use "are not" after tobe  when there is no verb and the subject (You, they, we )

       Use "is not" after tobe when there is no verb and the subject (he,she,it)

3. Use "Do" in the beginning of the sentence before subject when the subject (you,they,we)

    Use"Does" in the beginning of the sentence before the subject (he,she,it)

    Use "am" in the beginning of the sentence before the subject I when there is no verb 

    Use "are" in the beginning of the sentence before the subject (you,we,they) when there is no verb 

    Use "is" in the beginning of the sentence before the subject ( he,she,it) when there is no verb 

    Put question mark in the end of the sentence 

   State Yes, (I,they,we) do. when the question starts with do

              No, (I,they,we) do not. when the question starts with do

               Yes, (i) am. when the question start with am

               No, (i) am not . when the question start with am

               Yes, (they,we)are. when the question start with are

                No, (they,we)are not. when the question start with are

                Yes, (he,she,it )is . when the question start with is

                No, (he,she,it )is not . when the question start with is


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