
WebQuestProjectTemplateSR_Bolyard - My Future Business Career



Phase 1:

The teacher will assigned the roles.  The roles will be:

Researcher 1 -   Researcher 1 will research two careers.  Researcher 1 will research the education training required to obtain the careers which are of interest to them. All research must be recorded in the form of either an excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s). After meeting as a group to analyze the information on each career, they will choose one career. Each member will then individually research more information on the careers such as how to obtain training/schooling, cost to obtain training/schooling, advancement potential, and current wages for the careers.

Researcher 2 -   Researcher 2 will research two careers. Researcher 2 will research the education/training required to obtain the careers which are of interest to them. All research must be recorded in the form of either an excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s). After meeting as a group to analyze the information on each career, they will choose one career. Each member will then individually research more information on the careers such as how to obtain training/schooling, cost to obtain training/schooling, advancement potential, and current wages for the careers.

The Presenter -  The Presenter will research two careers. The Presenter will research the education/training required to obtain the careers which are of interest to them. All research must be recorded in the form of either an excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s). After meeting as a group to analyze the information on each career, they will choose one career. Each member will then individually research more information on the careers such as how to obtain training/schooling, cost to obtain training/schooling, advancement potential, and current wages for the careers.

You and the other group members will meet and work on the presentation. You will all be responsible for creating the Power-Point or Microsoft Max presentation which will include the excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s) created during each evaluation. The presentation must include such items sound effects, different fonts, and background page.

Phase 2:
Step 1. You will individually research two business careers. You will put research information (from their research questions) into spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s) and graph(s).

Step 2. You and the other group members will meet and discuss their findings, analyze the findings and select one career. (Students will analyze the excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s) and graph(s) created during research.)

Step 3. You will then continue their research on their selected business careers. Students will create spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s) or graph(s) of the additional research. (Examples: schooling required/cost of schooling/where can employment be found?)

Step 4. You will then exchange research within their groups.

Step 5. You and the other group members will analyze the research information obtained during research.

Step 6. You and the other group members will work together to create their final presentation. It must be a PowerPoint Presentation or a Microsoft Max presentation. The presentation must include all excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s) created during each evaluation. The presentation must include such items sound effects, different fonts, and background page.

Step 7. You and the other group members will present the final project to the teacher and class.

Step 8. You and the other group members will answer questions from your peers after the presentation.

Students should be able to answer the following questions:
What is a career and why do you want or need a career?
What careers are of interest to you?
What is the relationship between a career and a job?
How strong is the evidence that everyone needs a career?
What education/training is required for each career?
How can we best measure the wages which one can make during a career?
What is the relationship between a career and the costs which are associated with each career?
What should I do when trying to decide on a career?

Resources to be used are listed below and were put in as links: 
Researchers 1 and 2:

Choosing Best Six Careers to Research:

Best Business Jobs….and how we rank the jobs: https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/rankings/best-business-jobs

How to Make a career Choice when You Are Undecided: https://www.thebalance.com/steps-to-choosing-career-525506

 Career Test: What Career Is Right For Me? http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/careers/what-career-is-right-for-me.html

Career choice: https://www.123test.com/career-choice/

18 Awesome Career Choices that Most College Kids Have No Idea About: http://www.businessinsider.com/great-careers-college-kids-ignore-2013-7

Educational Journey

Student Success Begins Here: https://www.studentconnections.org/?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand&utm_term=%2Bhigher%20%2Beducation%20products&utm_content=Higher%20Education

National Center for Educational Statistics: https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=76

Cost of Higher Education: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/topic/cost-of-higher-education

Greenville Technical College: http://www.gvltec.edu/tuition/

University vs. Technical School: http://www.educationbug.org/a/university-vs-technical-school.html

MyFuture.com: https://www.myfuture.com/schools/articles/paying-two-year-colleges-trade-schools

American military University: http://start.amu.apus.edu/military-degrees/overview?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Military%20Education%20-%20SN%20-%20AMU&utm_term=military%20tuition%20assistance&utm_content=Tuition%20Assistance%20-%20Exact

Penn State World Campus: https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/penn-state-online-military-webinars-CMPRF28704?cid=CPC29203&utm_campaign=Military-Active&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=military+tuition+assistance&utm_content=1950233x691913796401774720

ecpi University Online: https://explore.ecpi.edu/online/programs/military/index.html?cmpid=PPCVLMILT&SearchKeyword=Military%20Tuition%20Assistance&AdGroup=Military%20Tuition%20Assistance&campaign=%5BS-Online%5D%20Military%20(OCA)%20-%20Exact&mkwid=Zq9CcIA1&pdv=c&pkw=Military%20Tuition%20Assistance&pcrid=16473660777&pmt=be&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BS-Online%5D%20Military%20(OCA)%20-%20Exact&utm_term=Military%20Tuition%20Assistance&utm_content=16473660777&k=Military%20Tuition%20Assistance

Researchers 1 & 2, and Presenter:

Choosing Best Six Careers to Research:

How to Make a career Choice when You Are Undecided: https://www.thebalance.com/steps-to-choosing-career-525506

Career Test: What Career Is Right For Me? http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/careers/what-career-is-right-for-me.html

Career choice: https://www.123test.com/career-choice/

How To Put Together A Power Point Presentation: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=videos+on+putting+together+a+power+point+presentation&view=detail&mid=5B5F456521B5652274E15B5F456521B5652274E1&FORM=VIRE

Making Power Point Presentations: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=videos+on+putting+together+a+power+point+presentation&view=detail&mid=8EFB1153C1AD399F33198EFB1153C1AD399F3319&FORM=VIRE

How To Put Together The Best Presentation: http://www.communitycollegetransferstudents.com/how-to-create-powerpoints/

Phase 3:
You and the other group members will work on the final presentation. You will all be responsible for creating the Power-Point or Microsoft Max presentation which will include the excel spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s) created during each evaluation. The presentation must include such items sound effects, different fonts, and background page. The last two pages will focus on the career your group chose and the decision why you chose this career.
The spreadsheet(s)/pie chart(s)/graph(s) must include:
• An analysis of similarities and differences in the six professions.
• Specialized education/training required for each profession.
• Cost of schooling for the education/training
• Positions/Jobs nationwide in the fields.
• Potential wages of positions
• Potential advancement of the positions.

The career choice chosen by the team will be the last two pages of your presentation.  You will need to defend your decision as to why this career was chosen.


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