
Quantum Dots



Working of QLEDs:

Before it gets to that second polarizer, light passes through a layer of red, blue, and green (and sometimes yellow) color filters. These are the subpixels. Electrical charges applied to the subpixels moderate the blend of colored light visible on the other side. This light cocktail creates the color value of each pixel on the screen.

Introducing such concept brought up a revolution in the field of display technology and we moved up in the level of entertainment but like every thing there is a flip side i.e. Cost of production and an average consumer.

Main dilemma that could be solves in future is the problem of cost, so my opinion is given below:

Real time Price requirement to proceed this project.
As i already said according to the market scenario , so many big industries are involved in this quantum dots like laser developers it will have higher cost due to lack of competition but later it will go down to some extent  as the competition in the market began to rise and move price will constantly with some tripping due  to under leveled companies which believes in production of quantity rather than quality.




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