
The Elements of a Story



  • First, we will start by watching a YouTube video that explains the different elements of a story. Everyone will get a pair of headphones and using the computer, watch the YouTube video individually. 
           1. Does anyone remember how many elements to a story there are?
           2. Can anyone name any of the elements in a story?
           3. Can anyone tell me what a fairy tale is?
           4. Can you name some other fairy tales that you have read or watched on the television?
  • After watching the YouTube video,  I will read an online version of the Three Little Pigs to the class. As we read, we will decide how each element is used in the story. 

  • After reading the book Three Little Pigs, you will be evaluated by filling out the Elements of a Story worksheet using the setting, plot, characters, problem, and solution from Three Little Pigs. When you are finished, I will check to make sure that you answered the questions correctly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  •  Once I have checked your worksheet, you will go to the computer and using the link I gave you, complete the 5 question Story Element quiz. When you finish the quiz, please raise your hand so I can record your grade.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  • Lastly, you will continue to use the computer to print out the art  activity. You will use the link I gave you to print out the pictures for Three Little Pigs. The instructions will be on the page you print out, so MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!


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