


Read through all of the directions on this page before beginning. 





Directions to Follow:

  1.         *  Read all of the directions first! (including the project)       
  2.         *  Look at each link.
  3.         *  Answer all of the quiz questions honestly.
  4.         *  Take notes after each quiz or copy and save the results in a Word document to prepare for the final project.
  5.        *  Do not submit your email address if asked on the quizzes.
  6.        *  Look at all of your results and use your notes to complete the project.
  7.        *  Use the document at the bottom of the page to submit your final results.
  8.        *  Upload your final project to Moodle.




Personality Project:

Using the document at the bottom of the page as a template, write a summary of your personality quiz results. Define 3-5 categories that describe your personality and then write what your results tell about you. For example, one of your categories may be called "Characteristics of My Personality" or "Extrovert." As you describe each category, you can use examples and information from the quizzes. Each explanation should be at least 100 words.


The next step of the project is to connect each of these personality categories to different aspects of your interpersonal relationships. In each category, there is a section called "How does this affect my Interpersonal Relationships." Spend some time connecting the features of your personality to aspects you have read and learned about in this course. Each of these sections should be at least 150 words. In this section, try to answer the following questions:

  1. * How does my personality affect what I want and need from a relationship?
  2. * How does my self-esteem affect my relationships?
  3. * What is the impact of my personal standards on my relationships?
  4. * How does my ethical behavior affect my relatioships?





Here are the Websites to Explore:






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    Description: Use this form to complete the final project

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