
What is Happening with the Bees? How Can We Help?



1. Read each question on the Presenting the Bee Problem Science Journal Page.

2. Use the Resources provided on the WebQuest to provide notes to answer each of the 4 questions.

3. The notes you write for each question will help you build a PowerPoint slide for each question.

4. The slides created will be used as a presentation to inform the class what you've learned about the bee problem, and this information can also be shared with other classes in the school to make other students aware of the bee problem in our environment. 

5. Pictures can be added to your slides. Different fonts and font colors can also be added. 

6. Please be careful not to add too many transitions. We want to keep the listener focused on the topic. 


Honeybees and Other Pollinators - How Can We Protect Them?
Why Bees are Important

Web Link
The Pollination Song

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