
To The Revolution!




Phase One
Description: You will choose from one of the four following people: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Marquis de Lafayette, King George III. Then, you will choose a corresponding song from this list that is attached. Please come to me before starting phase two to let me know who and what song you've picked!
Phase Three
Description: Finally, when all of your research has been conducted, you will then write a three page, MLA format, compare and contrast essay. This essay should include some of the details you found about your figure and then the details you found out about the lyrics versus real history. You will cite your sources at the end on a Work Cited and then submit your essay as well as your research to me through my email.
Phase Two
Description: After you have your person and one of their songs, begin your research. The first part of the research is strictly on the historical figure themselves and should include details on their personal life, their role/involvement in the American Revolution, what exactly they did to make them stand out during this time, and any other details you would like to include. The second part of the research will be conducted by looking at the lyrics of the song, then comparing them to what actually happened in history. Some people might not have behaved quite like they do in the song, some people might not have actually met, or some things could actually be pure fiction. This is your job to find these facts and define the truth from what's just drama for the musical. For the sake of this assignment, use the link below to look at the lyrics. Your other sources will need to be reliable!!

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