
Earth's Weather!



Now that we have talked about what we are learning let's all become weathermen!!!


Step 1: What do you know about weather?
Description: On this assignment you will answer the best you can. You and your neighbor can help each other only if needed!! Make sure that you answer every question. When you are done you will write your name on the top, if you had a partner write their name as well, and turn it into me.

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Section 4: Importance of Weather and Season choices such as clothing, activities, and transportation
Description: You will listen to the song about seasons that is below at least 3 times. Once you are done you will write down three things that you learned about each season in complete sentences on a sheet of notebook paper. After write your name on it and turn it into me. Once everyone is done we will have a class discussion over your favorite season and why.
Step 2: The Water Cycle
Description: You will study over the website about the water cycle that I have provided. Once you think you have the information down you will find a partner. You and your partner will create your own water cycle. You must work together!! When you and your partner are done you will separately write a three examples as to why you think the water cycle is important to the environment. When the whole class is done the water cycles you have created will be presented to the class.
Step 6: Assignment 2: Create your own water cycle
Description: You will be working with a partner together to create your own water cycle! To be able to complete this assignment you will use all the information you have learned from today's lesson. You both must be able to properly label the water cycle that is created. After the drawing is done, both you and your partner will give reasons as to why you both think the water cycle is important to our environment and examples. Your and your partner will separately write down three examples as to why the water cycle is important to the environment. When everything is done you and your partner will present to the class your drawing.

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Step 5: Assignment 1: My Weather Report
Description: On your My Weather Report worksheet you will be recording the temperature by using a thermometer, the wind condition, precipitation, and cloud coverage. You are seeing how hot or cold it is outside, whether or not it is windy, is it humid or raining, and if it is cloudy or not. You are observing weather conditions.you are learning to record the weather by observing and taking notes. you are learning to measure the weather by using devices such as a thermometer. You will make sure that you are writing in complete sentences and that you are recording your own observations and not taking another students observations as your own.

Step 3: My Weather Report
Description: You will now all go outside and record the weather like it is on your My Weather Report worksheet. You will be recording the temperature by using a thermometer, the wind condition, precipitation, and cloud coverage. After that you will write what season we are currently in. Once you are done you will write your name on the top and turn it into me. Now we will watch a video about weather.

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