
Men or women? What do you think?




Once you've understood what to do , you will have seven (7) days to carry out the task.


Day 1:


 Step 1: Watch on youtube the video: Why Women should be in Charge 


 Step 2: Take notes and comment what you see and understand (you can   watch the video as many times as you need it or want it. Pay attention to what people do, say, listen to or read. You can pause the video to write any important idea down) 


 Step 3: Answer the questions:


  •   How is the video related to its title?
  •   How is the video related to the title of this WebQuest?
  •   Do you think women should be in charge? Why? Why not?


 Step 4: Use Microsoft Word to save your answers in a file.





Day 2:


 Step 1: Go to the following  link:



 Step 2: Read the article Darwin Taught Male Superiority  

(If necessary, to look for the meaning of unknown words, use the online dictionary www.wordreference.com)


 Step 3: Answer the questions:


  • Do you agree with Darwin's claims? Why? Why not?
  • What reasons does the autrhor mention?
  • What do Peter Brent and Evelleen Richards conclude?


 Step 4: Use Microsoft Word to save your answers in a file.





Day 3:


 Step 1: Use your answers form days 1 and 2 to write a short paragraph in which you express your reflections and state a position about men's or women's superiority. (Remember you saved your answers in a Microsoft Word file) for clarification about any structure you want to use when writing the paragraph,

visit the Web page www.englishpage.com


 Step 2: Use Microsoft Word to save your paragraph in a file.


 Step 3: Compose an Email and send the paragraph with your reflections and position to all your classmates and teacher. (On day 1, the teacher sent you a personal Email with all contacts)






 Day 4:



 Step 1: Read all the paragraphs with the reflections and positions your mates    sent you.


 Step 2: Choose 2 or 3 classmates who have a position which is similar to yours.


 Step 3: Send and Email inviting the 2 or 3 classmates to work as a group and prepare one only conslusion.




Day 5:


 Step 1: Define your groups and send an Email to the teacher with the names.

(3 Students minimum, 4 maximum per group)


 Step 2: In groups, Prepare a ten-minute oral presentation to express your ideas and convince others with your position. (You can use different tools such as power point, videos, posters. etc. You can also use the information you have in the Microsoft Word files to support your ideas) 


 Step 3: Prepare a written paper with the final conclusions of the group.





Day 6:


 Step 1: Keep preparing and rehearsing your ten.minute oral presentation.


 Step 2: Print the Microsoft Word files with your answers and paragraph. (You have to turn in the papers to the teacher)


 Step 3: Print the paper with the final conclusions of the group. (you have to turn in it to the teacher)




Day 7: 


 Step 1: Turn in the papers to the teacher.


 Step 2: Oral presentations.


 Step 3: Plenary session for discussion.



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