
Georgia Stock Market Game



You and your team are going to follow each step below and use internet resources to research a variety of stocks. 

Team  1:  Fourth Grade

Team   2:  Fifty Grade

1. Think about what is going on in the world today and in our economy. What industries are doing well? What companies / products are popular? What do all people need or use regardless of economic times? Use these questions to guide you toward stocks that will have a better chance at growing even in hard times. Use these links to research various industries you think are strong.  http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/  andbiz.yahoo.com/research/indgrp/

2. Next look at several different companies that you think will do well in the current economic climate. You can visit this link and search for specific companies using their name or ticker symbol found on previous page.finance.yahoo.com/

3. Now you and your team must choose 3 stocks to invest your $100,000 in, so you will need to return to the previous site, enter the company ticker symbol and find out how much a share is for each one. 

Complete the following:

1.  Explain the difference between stocks and bonds.

2.  What is a portfolio?  Explain how a portfolio is used.

3.  Graph the company's sales from the beginning of the March.

4.  Create a presentation to persuade investors to want to purchase stocks from one of the companies your team invested in.

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