
How Can You Be a Global Citizen?



�Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you�ve depended on more than half the world.� - Martin Luther King, Jr

For all activities, complete the accompanying Google form (via the link) to answer and finish the task!

Task 1. Read the quote above. 
What are some ways that you might depend on "more than half the world" by the time you finish breakfast? Consider what is involved in your morning routine, what materials you use in the AM, and where those may come from. Answer this in the Google Form link at the end of Task 1.

What perspective do you have of the world? Do you have a more local focus, an international perspective, or do you see the world more globally? On the Google Form, please select which perspective you have and one thing you learned from the quiz about the world as a whole.

Task 2. Brainstorm, what might it mean to be a global citizen? Read the definition for the word "global." How is the word "citizen" defined? Come up with your own definition of what it might mean to be a "global citizen" combining your ideas from both words! Enter your definition on the Google Form for Task 2.

Read the following definition of a Global Citizen:

What is a Global Citizen?

Today, every single one of us is a 'Global Citizen', whether we are conscious of it or not. Global inter-dependence happens every day. We rely on countless different people from all over the world for the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the technology we use. Our daily lives are constantly affected by what people on the other side of the planet are doing!

The history of Global Citizenship

'Global Citizenship' is a relatively new term, but it is based on ancient concepts. In both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, a 'citizen' was someone who not only belonged to a place, but also played a role in advancing society and making life better for everyone.

As the theory of 'citizenship' developed and interaction between different countries and cultures increased, several Ancient Greeks and Romans began to call themselves 'citizens of the world' (or 'global citizens'). They started to look at their lives in a much wider context.

Citizenship has never been simply about 'belonging' to a place.It is also about making positive changes, and considering the wider environment. A Global Citizen is someone who cares about themselves, how they act and how their actions impact others, both locally and remotely. A GlobalCitizen is more importantly, someone who is willing to act if they feel that the world they live in is not yet how it should be.


Can you think of any people that would be seen as a "global citizen?" This could be a job title, a specific person, etc! Add this name to your Google Form and why they might be a global citizen.

Read over the list of characteristics for Global Citizenship. On the Google Form, rank these characteristics as what are the top 3 characteristics and why.

Watch the Video about being a global citizen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yio6kQrlYQ Are there any characteristics that should be added to the definition?

Extra Resources: Read more about what being a global citizen means! 

  • http://www.kosmosjournal.org/article/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-global-citizen/
  • http://thetyee.ca/Views/2005/10/05/globalcitizen/ 


Task 3. Now that you've found out what it takes to be a global citizen and what characteristics make a great global citizen, let's work on your achievement for that title!

First of all, what are some global issues that we face in the world? Look over the following links to research global issues. Select ONE that you'd like to focus on and start to address! What is the issue? Why is it an issue and who does it effect?

  • http://www.globalissues.org/ 
  • https://www.ted.com/topics/global+issues
  • http://www.millennium-project.org/millennium/challeng.html
  • http://teachunicef.org/explore/topic
  • http://www.globaleducation.edu.au/resources-gallery/resource-gallery-teaching-activities.html

Next, what are some of your personal qualities and talents that could help address global issues in the world? Add these to the Google Form.

Look at the ideas below about different roles you can take as a global citizen. It doesn't have to be making speeches. Maybe writing letters is your thing. Maybe you are great with videos. How can you use YOUR talents to help change the world?

  • Resister�You speak out about issues that concern you. You stand up for what you believe and struggle against any challenges you face. 
  • Networker�You are a social butterfly. You enjoy working with others and forming a group of people who can bring about positive change. 
  • Nurturer�You care about and want to support others, from providing assistance if someone is injured to asking if a friend is okay. You provide help and friendship to others in need. 
  • Investigator�You seek information like a scientist or journalist. You want to learn as much as possible to keep others informed and to devise solutions to important problems. 
  • Communicator�You are a storyteller by nature. You know how to communicate effectively so that others listen and understand. 
  • Builder�You are a �doer.� You prefer hands-on work that results in visible solutions. You want to be part of the team creating designs to combat problems

What is your first place of ACTION to be an active global citizen?  It's your time. YOU be the change!


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