
Scientific Advancements



Step #1

You will need to watch "Inventions that Changed the World" Parts 8-10 videos.

Step #2
Pick two specific "Invention" or Scientific advancement from each video

You need to prepare for the debate by researching your side of the argument. Having an opinion isn't enough to be effective in a debate. You need to be able to have strong supporting materials for your side of the debate. Spend time brainstorming your topic and write out a list of pros and cons for your topic. Build your argument on the pros and find ways to minimize the cons. Also look at the cons and know your debate opponent will focus his or her arguments on these points. Look for ways to rebut the points. Make sure that you write in complete sentences when you write down the supporting facts and details for your invention.  Do not forget to cite your sources for both the good and the bad. Include relevant facts that may be surprising to the person or group you are debating. People want to hear facts that they didn't already know. The more related relevant facts you include, the stronger your presentation becomes.

You need to learn how to effectively communicate your positions. You may have a great position on a certain subject, but if you can't effectively communicate that to an audience, it won't matter in a debate. Practice in front of others and even in front of a mirror. Look confident because no one will buy an argument from someone who isn't confident himself. Also, train yourself to fully respect the other debater. Nothing turns someone off more than a debater who just won't allow the other person to get a word in. Even if you are convinced you are right, you must give the other person time to speak his or her mind as well.

Prepare to have a rebuttal to the arguments that the other person will make. Many times you can know what they will say ahead of time and prepare yourself with facts that contradict their argument.


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