
How to Find x




Manager- the manager makes sure everything and everybody in the group is working smoothly and everything is going as planned.
Artist- the artist is the one that makes sure everything on the poster looks good.
Computer Expert- the computer expert is the one that is responsible for looking up the pictures online and putting everything on the poster.
Understander- the understander makes sure that all the material that you look up relates to what the poster is about.

You have a total of 5 class days to work on this assignment.  You may work ahead if you get a days worth of work done.

Step 1: Discuss (Day 1)
Get in the groups that were assigned and discuss the different problems you can choose from.  Remember, every person in the group has to have one problem that they can put onto your poster.  Tell your story to each other in the group following the three bullet points in the task.

Step 2: Create (Day 2)
After everyone in the group knows everyone's story, it is time to type out your stories one at a time.  Following those three bullet points, each person in the group needs to type out a half a page on what their problem was.  After everyone is finished typing out their problem, everyone in the group will pass their papers around so that everybody reads everyone's paper.  After you read one, you must give comments back to the person if they made any spelling or grammar mistakes.  

Step 3: Picture Day (Day 2- 3)
Find the two pictures that you are going to use to put on your poster that relate to the problem you had.  After you're done finding your pictures, print your paper and pictures out. Make sure to make them look nice with backgrounds and borders. 

Step 4: Posters (Day 4-5)
Paste everything on your poster and it is done!
After your project is done, you will hang them in the hall for the other students and teachers to see.
Also, stay in your groups and discuss with them that if that problem happened to you now, how would you approach it this time? Would you change anything that you did the first time? Do you regret anything that you did?

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