


1. Make sure you are in a group and that you have all exchanged contact details (email address, whatsapp, phone numbers...)

2. Plan and divide the tasks: find a typical recipe, describe a typical celebration, present the most famous lanmarks, talk about the most relevant historical events.

3. Negociate and assign tasks for all the members in the group. You can divide the tasks and make one person look at a specific website, for example.

3. Select the information carefully, we don't want it to be excessive, so please make sure that you get to the point. Be efficient.

4. Once you have the information, it's time to brainstorm the similarities and differences.

5. Organise your ideas neatly. Be brief. Check vocabulary. Check pronunciation.

6. Create materials for a presentation e.g. Powerpoint, Prezi, Pictures, photocopies, etc.

6. Present yout project to the class.

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