


Webquest Project

There are 3 sections to this project.

 Part 1 and Part 2 are required.

You may choose 1 from Part 3

Part 1.   After reading Beowulf write the tribute Beowulf requests upon his  death.  Pick those things that would be important to him as a Geat.  The tribute should be 500-750 words long.  You will need to type this message and paste it to a poster board with your interpretation of what the monument would look like drawn on the poster board to encompass the tribute. Be sure to include at least two  examples of (2) kennings, alliteration, an allusion to religion, and a simile in the tribute.   You will use a color code key for your examples.

Part 2.   Read information on the websites to create a persuasive speech to give to the class on the date the project is due. You may choose either  Grendel, Grendel�s mother, or the dragon.  Writing from that character's point of view, you must convince us and justify your actions.  Create a costume for your character. You must give a copy of the speech to the teacher. It must be typed.  Refer to the rubric for specifics.

Part 3.   Choose one of the following:

A. Create a cut away model of Herot, including the items that would be found there, and a facsimile of the building materials. You may only use the type of materials that would have been available during this period.

B. Create a comic book strip between Beowulf and Grendel, Beowulf and Grendel�s mother, Beowulf and the dragon, or Wiglaf and Beowulf�s men. It must have dialogue between characters. The comic strip is to also have satire or parody.  Use the URL for comic strips to help you.  http://www.stripcreator.com.  Your comic strip must have at least 25 blocks.  It must be colorful.

  How do I print or save a comic?

Otherwise you'll need to take a screen capture and print or save that. On Windows, load the comic you'd like to print up on the screen and press your Print Screen key. Then open a paint/image program such as Microsoft Paint (which comes with Windows) or Adobe Photoshop create a new image/project if necessary and hit Ctrl-V to paste the screenshot into the application. Then cut the comic strip out and print and/or save that.

C. Create a feast to share with the class, such as the men would have partaken in during this time period. You must provide a sample for each class member.  Include recipes for the items. You are to inform the class of acceptable dining methods for the era. The recipes must be bound together in a phamplet.

D. A pen or charcoal drawing, an oil painting, or watercolor of one of the characters. This must be colorful. You must be pre-approved for this.  ( Choose only if you are an artist. I must see a sample of your work before you are allowed to choose this)

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