
Musical Instruments



 Subject:Integrated Studies



Topic:What are living and Non-living things?

Subtopic: What is the difference between Living andNon-Living Things?

Unittitle: Living and Non-living things in my Environment

FocusQuestion 1: How can I tell if something in myenvironment is living

Objectives:pupils will

Ø              Identifyand discuss process that all living things undergo

Ø             Createsound picture depicting scenes/ collages.

Ø               Differentiatebetween living and non-living things.

Skills:classifyingthings, observing things for detail,observing, animals/ plants, composing sound pictures/collages, communicatinginformation.

Materials:dictionary,plants, stones, materials for producing sound collage (percussion instrumentswhich includes: tambourine, drums, wood block, maracas, etc.)

Content:we are surrounded by living and non-living things.Living things includes animals, plants, humans, insects, etc.. Non-livingthings includes pot, glass, books, houses etc. There are seven characteristicsof living things are: movement (including locomotion), excretion, reproduction,response/reaction to stimuli, feeding, growth, and respiration.


Introduction:“video about living and non-living things”

Step 1: students will brainstorm the question whatdo they understand from the term living and non-living.

Step 2: students will observe plants, stones, books,animal such as bird, insects and tell which of the objects are living andnon-living. Students will give reason for their answers. If a child says aplant is a living thing he or she must give a reason why it is living.

Step 3:  studentswill identify the characteristics of living things and compare thecharacteristics with that of a non-living thing. Example the child will look atthe picture of a tree depicting one stage to another and then observe a stoneand this will show students the characteristic of growth for a living thing.

Step 4: students will be placed in groups to searchin their dictionaries to find the meanings for the characteristics of livingthings and use any of the characteristics in a poem or a short story.

Step 5: students will observe percussion musicalinstruments and identify any of the instruments that are shown. Students willengage in activity sound collage as students will talk about their experienceswhen going to church and therefore give an example of a song that is sing at achurch service and use the various kinds of instruments.


Ø  Studentswill be placed in groups of four to create sound collages using the variousmusical instruments. 

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