
Ancient India - The Caste System



Research Questions & Exercises

Step 1 - Get familiar with important aspects of Hinduism

1.  Find out where Hinduism originated and how the term "Hindu" developed. Why is it difficult to actually define Hinduism?

2.  The Hindus have many sacred texts. What, for example, are the Vedas?

3.  Find out why the Ganges is holy for Hindus. Also, have a look at the ghats of the Ganges in the sacred city Varanasi. Note down some interesting facts that you got to know in the video or the texts.

4.  Have a look at the following deities and choose one that you represent in more detail in your presentation: 

Brahma , Vishnu ,  Shiva ,  Lakshmi ,  Ganesha

 Step 2 - Get familiar with the caste system of ancient India that still occurs today

5.  What is dharma and karma? How are these terms connected to the issue of rebirth and caste?

6.  There are different theories about the beginnings of the caste system. Include one in your presentation.

7.  Scroll down at this page to find out how the caste system was enforced and on what is was based!

 8.  Exercise: Imagine you're back in ancient India. Get an identity card from your teacher and write a small text (about 50 - 70 words) about your caste.  Some questions you should answer: Where are you within the caste system? What is typical for the people in your caste? What might be your profession? What privileges, duties or restraints do you have?


 9.  Overview with a short paragraph about each caste (scroll down to the caption "What is the caste system")

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