
The Federal Reserve System, aka, the



Day 1: What is the Federal Reserve System?

Today you will watch a short video on the Federal Reserve System and read through a brochure explaining it.
  • Go to the website of the St. Louis Federal Reserve and watch the video titled “In Plain English: Making Sense of the Federal Reserve System”
  • Answer the questions on-line and submit.

Day 2:
  • How is our nation's economy related to the Federal Reserve System?
  • Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to the Federal Reserve Education Website.  Read the information provided about the Federal Reserve System and it's structure.

  • Answer the following questions and share them with me on google.docs (Answer using complete sentences)
  • When was the FED created?
  • Where is the Board of Governors located?
  • How many governors are on the board and how long are their terms?
  • Who appoints and confirms governors?
  • How are the terms different for the chairman and vice-chairman?
  • What is the Boards most important responsibility?
  • What % of commercial banks belong to the Federal Reserve System?
  • What body of the FED is responsible for policy making?
  • How many times does the FOMC typically meet in a year?
  • What are the names of the 3 statutory advisory councils.

Days 3, 4 & 5: GOOGLE DOCS PRESENTATION (Due the end of Day 5)

Today you will begin organizing your information in detail in a 12 slide google docs presentation.
You will need to use your findings from Days 1 & 2, interent research, and your text book.

Your presentation MUST answer the following questions:

1)  Why and when was the Federal Reserve Created?
2)  How many Federal Reserve Districts are there and what cities are the banks located?
3)  The FED is made up of 3 parts, what are they?
4)  How is the Federal Reserve Organized or Set Up?
5)  Why is the FED called the "Banker's Bank?"
6)  Who is the current chairman of the Federal Reserve, for how long, and what makes them qualified for this position?
7)  What is Monetary Policy and how does the FED carry it out?


Federal Reserve Districts
Description: This photo shows the Federal Reserve Districts and the cities in which the 12 Federal Reserve Banks are located.

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