
John Bunyan - The Pilgrim\'s Progress



Here are some useful links and a step-by-step guide for how to perform the tasks.

Step 1: Students have to read the book or watch the movie. After they're done they have to create a journal entry from a day of Christian's life. 

You can read the book or watch this link which provides you with the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHFVFH-1Th8
               The audiobook   Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_yHEiPYM10       Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5hSPMdLFKE

Step 2: It is said that Christian'sjourney reflects Bunyan's own spiritual conflict. Bunyan had faced manydifficulties in life. Do more research into Bunyan's life and into thecharacter of Christian and compare and contrast those two 'characters'.
For Bunyan's life have a look at : 
- http://www.wholesomewords.org/biography/bbunyan4.html          
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bunyan

Step 3: Character analysis. Analysethe different main characters from the story and make a sort of biography foreach of those characters. At least 30 words for each character. For this assignment you can use this website: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/pilgrims/characters.html.

Step 4: The moral of the story is by having hope, faith andfirm determination, a man can gain the salvation of his soul. Read the summaryand give clear examples of where the faith, hope and determition make Christiandefeat the temptations and challenges he has to face. 
For this step you have to read the summary very extensively. Try to write down at least 4 different situations. 

Step 5: Do some more research into theRestoration. This time period was quite a hectic one. After reading about theRestoration, try to come up with a brief summary of roughly 150 words, in whichyou clearly mention the key events from this period in history. 
For this assignment you can watch the link that is on the task page. you can also use the internet to look it up. What was important in the Restoration and what influences did those important events have. 
Useful links for this assignment are: 
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restoration_(England)

Step 6: Do some more research into thewriters of the Restoration. What made their work so typical for theRestoration, in other words: come up with a list of characteristics for theliterature of those days. 
For this assignment you have to go on the internet again. Some useful links are:
- http://wwnorton.com/college/english/nael9/section/volC/overview.aspx

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