
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?



During this web quest you willgather information from different resources to learn all you can about the lifeof Eleanor Roosevelt. You will go to several different websites to gather thisinformation.

You will work in a group of 4 but each member of your group will have a different job to do.

Level 1:

1.) Use the timeline template and the internet resources and other sources to create a timeline of Eleanor Roosevelt's life. (Be sure to include all important events (Ex: When was she born, when did she get married, when did she die, etc.) Remember to include all dates and description of the event.

2.) Find 2 more important facts that you learned about Eleanor Roosevelt.

3.) Together, your group will create a poster or a paper describing everything you learned about Eleanor Roosevelt.

Level 2:

1.) Use the internet to complete the report on Eleanor Roosevelt the questions below.

Eleanor Roosevelt was born in _______________.

Eleanor Roosevelt was married to______________________________________________.

She was a First Lady. A First Lady is ______________________________________________________?

Eleanor Roosevelt helped create the__________________________________________.

Eleanor Roosevelt and others at the United Nations wrote______________________________ about peace.

___________________________________________ is the city Eleanor Roosevelt was born in.

_____________________________________ organization is where Eleanorworked in the 1920s.

Eleanor helped her husband______________________________ once he becamedisabled.

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt believedin___________________________________________

Eleanor ________________________________________________________ duringWorld War II.

Eleanor built _____________________________ to help create jobs duringthe Great Depression.


2.) Together, your group will create a poster or a paper describing everything you learned about Eleanor Roosevelt.


Level 3:

1.) Use research on the internet or other sources related to Eleanor Roosevelt to complete the letter writing activity below with facts about her life.

Date ___________________


Dear ___________________________________________,

Have you heard of Eleanor Roosevelt? She is a fascinating lady. EleanorRoosevelt was born in 1884, in New York City. Eleanor's parent's died when she was young.

In 1902, while riding on a train, she met Franklin Delano_____________________, her fifth cousin who she later married.

She also became very comfortable speaking in front of people and began to use a new invention, the _________________________.

 Eleanor's life as First Lady forced her away from politics. To keep herviews and voice heard she wrote a monthly ______________________column. In thecolumn she asked readers to write her about their problems, needs, and views.

 Eleanor Roosevelt was always trying to ___________________ people. Sheworked for lots of different organizations to help poor people or those who didnot have equal rights.

 One of her most famous incidences happened with the opera singer_________________

 ___________________________. The Daughters of the American Revolutionrefused to allow Marian Anderson to perform at Constitution Hall in Washington,D.C. because she was black. When Eleanor heard about this she was so upset thatshe stopped being part of the organization and arranged for Anderson to sing infront of the Lincoln Memorial.

People felt very close to Eleanor. They often wroteher_________________________ asking for help with their problems.

Now do you see why Eleanor Roosevelt was such a great woman? She did somany things to help people. She was a true fighter for human rights.

                                                                                                                                  Your Friend,

2.) Together, your group will create a final letter describing everything you learned about Eleanor Roosevelt.


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