
WWII:Pearl Harbor & The Pacific Theater Five Strands of Social Studies (Benchmark Assessment)



The Five Strands of Social Studies for the topic of the World War II: Bombing of Pearl Harbor & The Pacific Theater

Strand I: American History

Day 1:American History


Students will have a good understanding of the key events that led up to and occurred during the bombing of Pearl Harbor from the side of the Americans and why this caused the United States to enter World War II.


Smart board and note book


  • The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students why they think the American entered World War II. Short discussion on the reasons America entered the war.
  • Now tell the students they are going to go on a journey to find the reasons America entered the Second World War. Tell students to takeout their not books so they can take notes.
  • Now begin the lecture. During the course of the presentation you will need to pause the videos within the presentation in order to ask questions and have the class give their input on events that took place.Get students involved by asking them why, what, and how questions.
  • Towards the end of the presentations students will not have a better understanding of the events that led to America’s entry into the Second World War
  • Now have the students write a half page summary on the events that caused America to enter the Second World War based on the information presented to them. This will count as an informal assessment to gauge the students understanding of events.


  • The class will engage in whole group discussion during the presentation

Strand II: Geography

Day 2:Geography


Students will understand the two opposing sides of World War II, which were the Allied Forces and Axis Powers, and major countries that identified with one of the two sides.


Smart board, world map of axis/allied powers, world map of 1942, poster board, I pads and writing material.


  • Start the class by showing students a world map on the smart board of the Allied Forces and Axis Powers during World War II. The teacher will then ask the students if know what were the allied forces and the axis powers. After a short discussion the teacher will explain to the students in lameness terms what each side represented and that essentially the allied forces were the good guys and the axis powers were the bad guys.
  • Next, the teacher will hand each table one map of the world in 1945 and the students will be separated into their groups where they will work as a team to write down as many allied and axis countries as they can by comparing the map handed to them to the map on the board. Students will be given 10 minutes.
  • Next, Discuss with the class about their findings. After the discussion, tell the groups they will need to read a short article on the countries that played a major role on both sides of the war. Each group will need to use their findings to construct a poster showing the four major countries that played important roles in the Allied forces and the three major countries that played major roles in the Axis powers. Each group will also need to pick one country from each side and explain why each country played a significant role in the war. Groups will be allowed to use I pad’s, history books and computers to find any relevant information for the poster they will have to present.
  • Finally, each group will present their findings. After the students have presented the teacher will ask a few questions to the students to see if they understand the information they have presented or if they simply memorized it.


  • The class will engage in whole group discussion.
  • Small group projects and presentation.
  Allied Forces & Axis Powers Map

World Map: World War II

(Example: Map of 1919 but the territories between 1919 and the beginning of world II  remained largely unchanged.)

Strand III: World History

Day 3: World History


Students will understand key events that took place during World War II in the Pacific theater that led up to, during and after the bombing of Pearl Harbor up until the downfall of Japan and in turn ended World War II. Students will gain a better understanding of some key reasons Japan was considered and Axis Power, which was a direct alley of Nazi Germany.


Smart board and I pad, Computer, Paper and writing material.


  • The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students to imagine the events that led them to where they are today. This will set up the objective of today’s lesson. After a short discussion the teacher will tell the students that they are going to be working independently today. The students will either use their touch pad devices or an available computer.
  • For this lesson students are going to research the timeline of Japan and America’s involvement in World War II, but more specifically the events in the Pacific Theater  Students will have to create their own timeline based on the ones they researched on the internet.  The student swill also have to focus on one event within the time line to create a short half page narrative and illustration based on the particular event they chose.
  • Students will be given 1 hour.
  • At the end of the period the students will have to read their narrative to their group members. If their narrative is not completed by the end of the period they will then have to read it first thing the next day.


  • The class will engage in whole group discussion during the start of the class.
  • Students will work on independent projects.
  • Students will share their narratives with their group members.

Strand IV: Civics & Government

Day 4: Civics& Government


Students will gain a better understanding of the underlining differences between America’s Republic Government and Japans Democratic Monarchy.Students will also understand how Japans militarization affected its policies towards war with America from the lowest to the highest levels of Japan. Finally, students will get gain insight into differences between the ideology of Americans and Japanese.


Smart board and note pad, writing material.


  • The teacher will begin the class by asking the students what type of government is America. After some discussion the students will answer a Republic. The teacher will then ask students if they know the difference between a Republic and a Constitutional Monarchy. Most students will reply with a no or a guess.
  • Next, the teacher will present a short 5 minute PowerPoint Presentation on the differences between a Constitutional Monarchy and a Republic (and Democracy). After the video the teacher will ask students if they can name any modern day countries that are a Democratic Monarchy or Constitutional Monarchy  After a short discussion the teacher will now tell students that they are going to watch a film about the role Japan and Japans ruler Emperor Hirohito played, Japans system of government and Japans downfall.
  • The presentation is split into 5 ten minute videos. At the end of each video the teacher will initiate a short discussion regarding the events and the reasoning. Students will be encouraged to take notes during the course of the video and subsequent discussions.
  • At the end of the video the students will need to write a one page summary on their thoughts of the role Japan played as an Axis power in World War II and the events that led to their downfall. The paper will not be due until the following day in which they will need to submit it to the teacher.


  • The class will engage in a whole group discussion during the course of the class.

Strand V: Economics 

Day 5: Economics


Students will understand the economic forces the decision for the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. Students will have a better understanding of why oil of all types has played such a pivotal role in how the world economy works.


Smart board and note pad, writing material.


  • The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students if they can remember some of the reasons the Japanese decided to attack the United States. After a short discussion if the students are unable to give any reason pertaining to gas or oil explain to the students it was because of the American embargo of oil to Japan and the fact the United States wanted Japan to cease and desist all hostilities on Japans neighboring countries in Asia and vacate them immediately.
  • Next, give a short 7 slide presentations on the key factors that led Japan to declare war on the United States and Attack Pearl Harbor. During the presentation allow the students to ask questions and at the end of the presentation have the students go into small groups and discuss what they learned about the underlying reasons Japan attacked the United States.
  • Finally, the students will now have to Imagine that America is unable to import oil due to an embargo by all other countries and that in order to survive America would have to make a choice. The choice would be to either go to War or come up with an alternative means of producing power.Students must keep in mind that any form of machinery that gets its power from oil, coal or gas would only have limited use due to the embargo placed on oil in America. Encourage students to be creative.
  • Students will have to write an essay on their choice and will also have to create a poster showing the effects of their decision.
  • Students will have the weekend to complete this assignment and will have to present their poster and essay to the class first thing Monday Morning.


  • The class will engage in a whole group and small group discussion
  • Students will work on Independent assignment. 


Day 4: Civics & Government =Timewatch Emperor Hirohito World War II Part 2
Day 4: Civics & Government =Timewatch Emperor Hirohito World War II Part 4
Day 4: Civics & Government =Timewatch Emperor Hirohito World War II Part 5

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Day 4: Civics & Government =Timewatch Emperor Hirohito World War II Part 1
Day 4: Civics & Government =Timewatch Emperor Hirohito World War II Part 3

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