
Causes of the American Revolutionary War



Process #1

     Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the Colonies and England fought in a war known as the French and Indian War. The war was fought in the colonies between England, France and the Native Americans from 1754-1763. The war was fought over a series of land disputes between the 3 groups. England was able to achieve the victory in 1763, but not without acquiring a huge amount of debt.

   England felt the best way to overcome this debt was to charge the colonies taxes. England felt that the war was fought to defend and protect the colonies therefore, they should be the ones responsible for paying the debt back.

     You will need to create a chart covering the various taxes that England imposed on the colonies in order to pay off the debt. The chart needs to include the following items:

  • Identification of the taxes (Tea, Stamp, Sugar, Townshend, Intolerable and Quartering)
  • Description of the taxes
  • The colonies' reaction to the taxes
  • South Carolina's reaction to the taxes
  • The chart needs to be created in Microsoft Word and printed when you are finished.
  • When finished with the chart, you need to answer 3 questions

An example of what the chart should look like

Colonists Reaction
South Carolina Reaction
Sugar Act

Stamp Act

Townshend Act

Tea Act

Quatering Act

Intolerable Act

3 Questions to Answer When Finished With Chart (They can be answered under the chart)

  1. What were the Tea and Stamp Acts?
  2. Was South Carolina's reaction to the taxes similar to the other Colonies? Why or why not?
  3. Which act do you feel justified the colonists going to war? Why?

Websites to help you complete the chart:



Other Sources:

Textbook and Worksheets given in class



Process #2

        South Carolina had a very strong reaction to the Tea and Stamp Acts imposed on them by England. Create an advertisement to be displayed in Charleston that shows protest again either the Tea Act or the Stamp Act. (You decide which one) Include in your advertisement the following items:

  • A Slogan or Header
  • A Picture to Support Your advertisement
  • Why you should support the ban on the taxes
  • Why the taxes are unfair
  • How to support the ban

When you are finished with the advertisement, please print the advertisement out. Make sure your name is on the advertisement.



Process #3

          Christopher Gadsden was a major player in the boycott again England and its taxes. You will need to write a newspaper article identifying who Christopher Gadsden was, how he is supporting the ban/boycott against England and its taxes.


  • One paragraph identifying who Christopher Gadsden was
  • One paragraph identifying his role in the events leading to the American Revolution
  • Types in Times New Roman 12pt. Font, Double Spaced

When you are finished with the article, please print the article out. Make sure your name is on the article.

 Websites to help:





Process #4

           The Sons of Liberty played an important in the resistance growing among the colonies against England and its taxes. You will need to create a newsletter that identifies the Sons of Liberty and the roles that the played.

Your newsletter needs to include the following items:

  • A title for the newsletter
  • An article on what the Sons of Liberty Were
  • Leaders of the Sons of Liberty in S.C.
  • An article on what the Sons of Liberty do the resist the taxes
  • How to join the Sons of Liberty

When you are finished, please print out the newsletter. Make sure your name is on the newsletter.

 Websites to Use:



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