
Environmental Declaration



Component 1

Building Your Project Portfolio                                                                                                                                 Total Possible Portfolio Points: 59 out of 100 total possible for project

Portfolio Section 1: Issue Information

1. Informational Notes (5 points): Learn about various environmental issues in your state and nation. COMPREHENSION Choose an issue with which you would mos tlike to become involved. EVALUATION Read number two below before you begin so that you can organize and record your notes in a way that will help you complete that o bjective in an efficient manner. Gahter and read as much information asyou can about your issue through various media such as newspaper, television, radio, magazines, the Internet, or disucssions. COMPREHENSION Take notes on all the information that you feel is important. Be sure to reference your sources for the information you obtain. EVALUATION

2. Special Terms Crossword Puzzle (5 points): As you read and learn information about your chosen environmental issue, createa list of glossary terms, their meanings, and the ways in which they relate to, or affect socieity. COMPREHENSION Organize this information into a crossword puzzle. Make a separate answer key for your puzzle, and give your puzzle a title. SYNTHESIS

3. Computer-Generated Line Graph (4 points): Using the computer, organize a set of important numerical date you discovered about your issue into a line graph. The date you choose should show changes over time. Include a key and give your graph a title. SYNTHESIS

4. Simple Action Cards (5 points): Evaluate various problems and solutions to the issue you are researching. Create a "top five" list of simple actions community members can take right now to help solve one or more of the problems. EVALUATION Design an easy-to-read three-by-five-inch card listing these actions. Include a heading that makes the reader aware of the issue. Make your card eye-catching so that if it was reproduced and distributed, people would want to read it. SYNTHESIS 

5. Computer-Generated Mailing List (5 points): Evaluate who are, or oculd be the most influential people or organizations surrounding your environmental issue. EVALUATION Create a computer-generated mailing list with each person's or organizations's contact information. Create subgroups within your mailing list such as: political leaders, community members, non-profit organizations, family members, state activits, or celebrities. SYNTHESIS

6. Solutions Choices (5 Points): Research and explain how the main political parties of your ocuntry view your issue and its possible solutions. Analyze all of your gathered information and decide what your own solution ideas for this environmental issue will be. EVALUATION


***note to self

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