


The Process

Step 1:

The following positions will be split amongst the members of your group. If there are more than three members, there must be two playwrights.  A job description for each position is included.  

 PlaywrightIt is the responsibility of the playwright to write the actual script for the radio drama. The other members of the group will provide creative input, but the playwright will be held accountable for actually writing the script on paper.
Foley ArtistIt is the responsibility of the Foley artist to create the sound effects for the radio drama. This person will be responsible for ensuring that all props are brought to the recording studio when needed. The Foley artist will make sure that the playwright includes all sound effects in the script.
Advertising ExecutiveIt is the responsibility of the advertising executive to write the commercials for the radio drama. This person should decide where the commercials should be placed in the script and inform the playwright of these decisions.

ALL MEMBERS of the group are expected to contribute in each area. The person in charge of each area will make the final decisions.

Step 2:

Once each group member has selected a job, you are to research the history of radio drama. Your boss believes that you cannot create an effective radio drama without knowing some of the history of the art. She has assigned the group the task of creating a timeline showing the evolution of radio in comparison to major events of history. She wants you to focus on the time period of 1930 - 1945. Because you do live in the age of computers, the internet will provide you with much of the information you need. The following sites will assist you and your group in the construction of the timeline.

Old-Time Radio: The Golden YearsThis site provides a table that shows the year that many radio programs began.
The History of RadioThis site provides a series of articles that "includes some of the 'environment' surrounding the periods: examples of what folks of the time thought were important, and affected their lives."
Any Year in HistoryProvides historic events and birthdays that occurred during a specific month and year in history. 

All members of the group need to contribute to the construction of the timeline. Select one person to actually write the timeline on paper. Be creative. Feel free to add graphics or drawings to make your timeline more visual.

Step 3:

Each member of the team is to research his or her particular area. References for each area are included below.

Format for a Radio Play Script 
This page presents a sample format for writing a radio play script. Read through this page so you will be familiar with this format. This is the format you will follow when you write you own script. You might want to print this page and use it for reference when you write your own script.
Vintage Radio Script Library PageClick on one of the scripts provided on this page. Read through the script to become familiar with what a real radio play script looks like. Pay particular attention to the story line, noticing how they present the setting, character, plot, etc.
1938 "War of the Worlds" Radio Broadcast WavsListen to some of the sound files on this page. Pay particular attention to how the actors read the script. When this broadcast was originally aired, people in the United States actually believed that Earth was being invaded by aliens. A copy of the script for this play can be found at http://members.aol.com/jeff1070/script.html.
Foley Artist
Sound EffectsRead through this history of sound effects in radio. Pay particular attention to the examples given of how to make particular sounds.
The Art of FoleyRead the section titled "What is Foley" and view the movie clips located near the end of the page. This should provide you a good definition of what Foley artists do.
Movie Sound EffectsRead through the Insights & Connections and theVocabulary sections. This will add to your background knowledge of sound effects. You might also consider trying to do the Main Activity.

 Advertising Executive
Radio Sounds ShowcaseListen to the wav files for some of the 1930s era commercials. This will give you some ideas of how radio commercials were designed.
Click on one of the scripts provided on this page. Read through the commercials in the script. Use this as a guide to writing your own advertisements for your radio play. Pay particular attention to where the commercial interruptions take place.

Step 4: 

Once you have researched your particular area, get together with your group members and discuss your findings. This is the chance for all group members to give their input on script ideas, sound effects, commercials, etc.

Step 5:

After each member has contributed his or her ideas, you should write your part of the radio drama. When all parts have been written, all parts should be revised by the other members of the group. A final copy should then be written.

Step 6:

Rehearse your radio drama, including the commercials and sound effects. Make sure that you put a lot of feeling and expression into your reading of the script.

Step 7:

Record your drama in GarageBand to create a podcast, and turn it in to your boss for final approval.


This is a list of all of the web sites linked to in this assignment. 

Old-Time Radio: The Golden Years (http://www.old-time.com/golden_age/index.html)

The History of Radio (http://www.old-time.com/halper/index.html)

Any Year in History (http://www.scopesys.com/year)

Vintage Radio Script Library Page (http://www.genericradio.com)

1938 "War of the Worlds" Radio Broadcast Wavs

Sound Effects (http://www.old-time.com/sfx.html)

The Art of Foley (http://www.marblehead.net/foley/)

Movie Sound Effects (http://www.newtonsapple.tv/TeacherGuide.php?id=1300)

The Radio Sounds Showcase (http://www.earthstation1.com/radio.html#Commercials) 

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