
Alzheimer’s Disease: Effective Communication




Title: Alzheimer’s Disease – Effective Communication

Topic: The purpose of this training is to teach you about communication strategies used for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. You will learn the importance of effective communication, the various ways to communicate with a person who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the communication difficulties caused by Alzheimer’s disease and the strategies used to cope with those difficulties.

Grade Level:  Adult CertifiedNursing Assistants (CNA)

Subject Area:  Health and Medicine

Timeframe:  3 Saturdays

Learning Objectives:

1.      Given a computer that provides eLearning courses about communication, adult CNA students will be able to describe what communication means, describe at least 2 types of effective communication, and explain at least 2 types of verbal strategies for effective communication.

2.      Adult CNA students will use a computer with Internet access to create a mind map that describes at least 3 types of challenging behavior presented by Alzheimer’s disease patients and the communication strategies, both verbal and non-verbal, that could be used to cope with those behaviors.

3.      Adult CNA students will use a computer with Internet access to research Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy and prepare a 2-3 page report describing each method and identify at least 2 differences between the two communication methods. 

1)Combined Motivational-OrientationActivity – 1st Saturday

    Allotted time:  2 hours


§  Use your computer to navigate to the eLearning course provided.  You will have 60 minutes to complete the course.
eLearning Course: Living with Alzheimer's: For Caregivers: Late Stage (

§  You will receive the Verbal Communication Strategies for Effective Communication handout.

§  Discuss with the class your own experiences regarding communication with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.  To maintain confidentiality, you do not need to mention names when sharing your experiences.   

§  There is no rubric for this activity.  Credit will be given for all who participate in the discussion.

2)Information Activity – 2nd Saturday

    Allotted time:  2 hours

    Lesson Procedure: 

§  Use your computer to navigate to a mind-mapping tool and create a mind map that describes at least 3 types of challenging behavior presented by Alzheimer’s disease patients and the communication strategies, both verbal and non-verbal, that could be used to cope with those behaviors.

Mind Mapping Tools:

§   You will find an example of a mind map attached below. 

§  Provide the links to your mind-maps so they can be posted on the class WebQuest and viewed by everyone in the class.

§  The scoring rubric for this activity will be explained and presented on the class WebQuest.

3)Application Activity – 2nd and 3rd Saturday

    Allotted time:  1 week

    Lesson Procedure: 

§  Before the next class, you will use a computer with Internet access to research Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy.  The computers in class will be available for you to use all week.

§  You will be given an Internet Research Cheat Sheet that will also be available on this WebQuest.

§  Prepare a 2-3 page report describing each communication method and identify at least 2 differences between the two communication methods.

ú  Your paper must be two to three double-spaced pages in length and formatted APA style.

§  Must include a title page with the following:
ú  Student’s name
ú  Course name
ú  Trainer’s name
ú  Date submitted

ú  Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

ú  Must cite at least two scholarly resources, including the course text.

ú  Must document all sources in APA style.

ú  Must include a separate reference page, APA style.

ú  The papers are due at the beginning of the next class.

ú  The scoring rubric for this activity will be explained and presented on the class WebQuest.

§  The papers are due at the beginning of the next class.

§  The scoring rubric for this activity will be explained and presented on the class WebQuest.

3) Summary - 3rd Saturday

§ All students will submit their research papers.

           You will be advised as to when you will receive your final scores for all activities.


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