



This activity MAY be completed with a partner, or you may work alone.  It's your choice!

NOTE:  Since this is an activity to convert fractions, each recipe must have AT LEAST three DIFFERENT fraction or mixed number measurements.

Step 1: You must print out an appetizer/salad, main entree, side dish and dessert recipe that you would like Mom to make, if you were in charge of dinner.  REMEMBER: EACH RECIPE MUST HAVE AT LEAST THREE (3) FRACTION OR MIXED NUMBERS IN THEM!  Use this link to find a recipe: http://www.cooksrecipes.com. (NOTE:  You will need to print out a copy of each recipe from home for this activity.)

Step 2:  Once you have your recipes, here's what you need to do:

  • Begin completing a conversion chart for EACH recipe.  NOTE: Some recipes may take two pages in order to convert each ingredient.  Each recipe needs a separate conversion chart.
  • Figure out how to convert the recipe to get 20 servings of each recipe.  Do you need to double the recipe?  Maybe you need to multiply each ingredient by two and a half.  See me...I will help you with this.
  • Next, you need to convert the recipe to get 2-3 servings of each recipe.  Do you need to cut the recipe in half?  In fourths?  Again, I will help you with this if you wish.

Step 3: Put together a recipe book of your meal.  Your book should have:

  • A cover that includes a creative title, picture and name(s) of author(s).
  • Each ORIGINAL recipe that you printed off of the internet.
  • Conversion charts for each recipe.

NOTE:  Listen in class for the order in which your book is put together.

This activity will count as a TEST grade.  The completed activity will be due on Monday, April 14.



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