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Individual Administered Test

  • Lollipop Test: A Diagnostic Screening Test of School

      The Lollipop Test was published in 1981 by theHumanics Test Corporation. The purpose of this test is to screen and identifythe child�s deficits (and strengths) in readiness skills. This test is administeredon an individual level and it was designed for first grade entrants. Theinformation provided that the reliability is quite high for a short instrument,and the materials are clearly drawn. Instructions for administration areadequate, but scoring and interpretation problems limit its usefulness severely.I believe this test is not valid because it is administered only to thoseentering the first grade. The results are predicted and the studentsparticipating in it are not in the same age group.

  • Peabody PictureVocabulary 4th Edition

       The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, FourthEdition was developed in 1959 and published by Pearson. This is an individuallyadministered test that was designed for measuring receptive vocabulary forstandard American English. The PPVT-4 manual provides reliability informationon split-half reliability, coefficient alpha, stability, and alternative formsreliability. Evidence for validity is described in terms of content,correlations with other measures, and differences among special populations andthe standardization sample. Validity support according to the Standards forEducational and Psychological Testing is based on test content, responseprocess, relationship to other variables, internal structure, and evidenceconcerning the consequences of testing. The PPVT-4 is easy to administer andinterpret. This in one of the most commonly administered test in psycho-educationaland speech and language assessments.

  • Expressive VocabularyTest, Second Edition

        The Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition waspublished in 1997 by Pearson. This test was designed to assess expressivevocabulary and word retrieval for Standard American English. This test isadministered individually to 2:6 to 90+ years of age. This test was designed tobe administered by a trained professional with detailed administration rules.The information provided gives details that the test scores are reliable andvalid. This test is administered to special populations, including individualswith speech impairment, language delay, language disorder, hearing impairment,reading disability, mental retardation, giftedness, emotional behavior disturbance,and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This test provides a good overallmeasure of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval. It is an easy instrumentto administer, score, and interpret. It is a helpful tool for professionals whowant to assess expressive vocabulary and word retrieval either in a clinical orresearch setting.

  • Music Apperception Test

        The Music Apperception Test was published in2007 by Psychodiagnostics, Inc. It was designed for application in �clinical,educational, organizational and neuropsychology, are and creativity, andlanguage and cognition.� This test is administered to ages 8 to 45individually. Due to different versions of the test the desirability forsystematic selection for compositions. This test is quick to administer andthere are guidelines for coding response. A professional is needed toadminister, score, and evaluate the test. The MAT appears to be a promisingtool, but need information on how to use it and more research concerningvalidity issues.

  • Graduate Record Examinations-General Test (The)

        The Graduate Record Examination was developed in1949 and published by Educational Testing Service, Publication Order ofServices, ETS Corporate Headquarters. This test was designed to assess theverbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analyticalwriting abilities of graduate school applicants. This test is administeredindividually to graduate school candidates. Reliability of GRE General TestScores are based primarily on an internal consistency estimation, using thefamiliar Kuder-Richardson 20. The typical internal consistency reliabilitycoefficients exceed .90 for the verbal and quantitative sections and hoveraround .86 for the analytical section. Publishers of the GRE offer ValidityStudy Service to determine the relationships among the GRE scores,undergraduate grade point average, and first-year graduate grade point average.The GRE remains the best documented instrument of its type. Manuals describe allphases of its administration, use, and interpretations ensure maximumlikelihood of standardized test conditions, in spite of its widespread use andmultiple administration sites.

  • Miller Analogies Test

      The Millers Analogies Test was developed in 1926and published by Pearson. This is a group or individual test that was designedto measure background knowledge and analytical abilities critical to thecommencement of study in graduate school. This test is administered to graduateschool applicants. Given the longevity of this test it has been reviewed manytimes. Given the MAT�s low predictive power, it seems likely that its continueduse will be justified as a handy means of checking whether candidates areendowed with levels of mental capacity or functioning judged to be adequate forthe subject matter at hand. The MAT is an excellent instrument fordifferentiating among high-ability students. Although it is reasonable toassume that MAT scores will contribute useful information to the graduateschool application process, the onus of confirming this assumption rests with eachschool/department that requires the submission of MAT scores.

  • Wide Range Achievement Test 4

     The Wide Range Achievement Test 4 was publishedin 1940 by the Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. This test can beadministered individually or as a group. This test was designed to measure thebasic academic skills of reading, spelling, and math computation. This test iffor individuals ages 5-94. This test is easy to administer by a trainedassessment specialist or a paraprofessional. The scoring and administration ofthis test is straightforward; however the basal and ceiling rules addcomplexity. Although this test has a long history, limited validity evidenceleads us to conclude that this measure can be recommended for researchpurposes, but should not be recommended for any type of clinical use except forscreening purposes until further validity research had been conductedsupporting its use for other purposes.

  • Test of Problem Solving 3: Elementary

     The Test of Problem Solving 3: Elementary was developed in 1984 and published byLinguiSystems, Inc. This is an individually administered test designed toassess children�s critical thinking and problem solving skills. The test wasdesigned for ages 6.0-12.11. Test and retest are valid and reliable based onthe information that has been provided. Little information is provided for testinterpretation and the test scores do not demonstrate adequate developmentalprogression.

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