
Habits and Integrity in Nursing



In this exercise you will split into groups with a maximum of 5 people, follow the lesson plan, and then teach one another what you have learned from the separate groups. Evenly separate groups of 5 to be studying either Habits or Integrity, then make sure when you have finished the lesson plan, that each group is sharing the opposite subject. (Habit groups share their learning with Integrity groups, and vice versa.)

1. How do we overcome a habit that we want to get rid of?
  • View the youtube video below on "How to Break Habits"
  • View the website link below titled "More on Duhigg's Theory" to watch another video. 
2. Can habits be considered addictions?
  • Answer the question: How can you apply Duhigg's strategy of breaking habits to a person who smokes a pack a day of cigarettes?
  • One man replaced cigarettes with chewing gum. How did he break his habit of smoking?
3. What good habits can replace bad habits?
  • Stephen R. Covey came up with 7 habits in his book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." These habits can help us when communicating with others,  trying to overcome a trial, and trying to accomplish a goal (like breaking a bad habit). 
  • In summarizing the 7 habits, see the powerpoint provided below under Resources. (Hint: use this to come up with a way you can include the 7 Habits in your life to accomplish one of the lesson objectives)

1. What is integrity?
  • First, come up with your own personal definition of integrity.
  • Integrity can be understood in many different ways; it can deal with integrity of the skin, integrity of an organization, or integrity of a person's character. The integrity we are talking about is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principals. 
2. How can I develop integrity?
  • Open the PowerPoint below titled, "Habits & Integrity," focus on slides 5 and 6 to learn more about developing good integrity.  

3. How can integrity enhance the workplace?
  • Hospitals want to hire and retain employees that will remain honest and have strong moral values. Dishonesty can break down a company, leads to permanent mistrust, and create larger problems than intended. On a small scale, integrity nourishes a trusting relationship with the patients we care for. On a larger scale, if every employee made every decision with integrity, it would directly contribute to the success of the hospital. Good integrity creates good relationships. 
4. What can you do to show others that you have integrity and are worthy of their trust?
  • Be dependable. Do what you say you will do, be where you say you will be. 
  • Seek to understand others, don't jump to false conclusions. Be a good listener. 
  • Know beforehand how you will react in under pressure situations. Decide today that you will always tell the truth. 
  • Know your boundaries and limits. Understand your personal and professional role to be confident in the decisions you make and why you make them. 
  • Take personal responsibility for everything you do and be proud of it. 

You have finished the lesson! Now teach another group of 5 with your opposite subject. Make your discussions meaningful. I encourage you to relate the material to personal situations and experiences. Utilize the resources provided (PowerPoints, youtube video) in your teaching. 

Image above retrieved from: http://creatingmybestlife.com/discussion/creating-my-best-life-2/character-development/parenting-help-todays-best-life-lesson-on-integrity/


How to Break Habits

Description: Learn from Charles Duhigg how to break bad habits.

Web Link
  • More on Duhigg's Theory
    Description: Click the link to this website to watch another short video about Charles Duhigg and this Habit Theory


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