
Ms. Baker's "Grooving" to the Beat of Time!



Classroom Discussion:

  • What is an hour hand on a clock?
  • What is a minute hand on a clock?
  • During our normal day, what time of the day (a.m. or p.m.) do things happen? 

 First, we will watch the following video to help us learn how to tell time:

Learn to tell time video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDQGOZ1err0

Second, each student will receive an individual clock.   When the teacher states a certain time, set your clock to that given time.  The class will be given several "hours" to set their clock to. 

While watching the following video, students can then match their clock with the time given in the video.  Practice makes perfect!

Match my clock Video:


 Next, we will learn about the time of day things happen.  Watch the following video about the difference between a.m. and p.m. during our daily schedule! 

A.M. and P.M. Video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1Kl2K_XSoY

To review, the teacher will state different things that happen during the day or night.  In your journal, write whether that activity would happen in the morning, afternoon, or night (a.m. or p.m.)  For example:  riding the bus to school.

Finally, each student will find their assigned partner.  Using your clock, ask your classmate to set the time to whatever time you say.  After 10 "problems", switch positions so the other partner has equal time to play. 




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