
Creating your own digital story




 Instructions: all the WebQuest Activities should be completed IN YOUR ANSWER SHEET, which you will have to upload onto your Drop Box (Espacio Compartido  in PoliformaT  once you have completed all the WebQuest activities. The rest of the activities (steps) will be completed throughout the term, from February to June.

WebQuest Activity 1

1A) Watch at least 2 of the following videos about digital storytelling and write your own definition of digital storytelling in two lines.

 1B) Then, make a list of the possible advantages and disadvantages about doing a project involving the creation of a digital story related to aerospace engineering:

 1.1. What is Digital Storytelling?, by Jerome Gratigny:


 1.2. Digital Storytelling in Plain English, by Amy Cox:


 1.3. Digital story telling, by Jane Wood:


 1.4. Discovering Digital Stories, by Daryll Beningham:


 1.5. Making a digital story, by Anne Blight:


WebQuest Activity 2

 2) Answer the following questions about Digital storytelling (in 4-5 lines) after taking a look at the websites below. Use your own words (do not copy and paste from the texts):

2.1. Seven things you should know about... Digital Storytelling:


2.2. Digital Storytelling in Language Arts:



    Question 1: What is digital storytelling?

    Question 2: How does digital storytelling work?

    Question 3: Why are (digital) stories significant? 

    Question 4: What are the seven main elements of digital storytelling, according to Lambert?

   Question 5: How would you define each of those elements? 

WebQuest Activity 3

3) Watch these Polimedia videos about the different steps of the "Digital Storytelling for Aerospace Engineering"  project and summarise the main ideas in your own words:

   3.0 Writing your reflective journal: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56862

        3.1.    Choosing the topic, structure and software: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56856

        3.2.   Choosing the point of view, writing the script and creating the storyboard: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56857    

        3.3.   Selecting and importing the audiovisual resources: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56858

   3.4.   Recording and finalising your digital sotry: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56859

   3.5.   Sharing, presenting and assessing the digital stories: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56860

        3.6.   Evaluating, voting and concluding the project: http://politube.upv.es/play.php?vid=56861

WebQuest Activity 4

     4) Watch at least two of the following examples of digital stories and write down your opinion about each  of them.

      4.1. How Ace Combat Changed My Life, by Marion Sneed,


       4.2. Good Will - a digital story by Christi Clancy: 


        4.3. Participant/Observation - A Digital Story by Wynne Maggi,


       4.4. Distance - a digital story by Marianna Corona,


       4.5. Very Secret - a digital story by Carla Jankowski,


       4.6.Grand Canyons - a digital story by Daniel Weinshenker,  


       4.7. My Iligan,


      4.8. First Impression - a digital story by Lindsay Fisher,


      4.9. Ironing - A digital story by Ryan Trauman,


       4.10. Your Move - a digital story by Brett West,


WebQuest Activity 5

 5) Find more digital stories on the Web (if possible, related to Aerospace Engineering) and write down:

   The titles.

   The links.

   ONE adjective expressing your opinion about each of them.

    WebQuest Activity 6

  6) INDIVIDUALLY, Complete the following PRE-PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE about your previous experience, your expectations and your feelings towards Digital storytelling. This is an individual activity. If some of the group members don't have access to a computer, one of you will fill it online and the rest of the group members should split themselves in "Student A, B & C" and write their answers in the ANSWER SHEET: 


    WebQuest Activity 7

   7) Read the following PROJECT STEPS to be taken for the completion of the digital storytelling  project and underline the most relevant information. This will be useful for you as a reference document which will guide you in the creation of  your digital story.  

  STEP 0: While completing the following steps you should also write a DAY-BY-DAY REFLECTIVE JOURNAL in which you        should record and include things such as:

   Your group meetings, why you chose a particular topic, where your inspiration comes from, the individual contributions of each group member to the project, how you make use of your ideas to develop your work, your awareness of the technical context (setting) in which you work, the storyboard of your digital story, photos or audio recordings documenting the process, bloopers and outtakes, research notes, personal comments on your own work and your teams’, texts, images and videos found while looking for information about the topic, writing your script, etc., quotes, extracts from lectures, tutorials, books, journals, etc.  

   STEP 1: Choose a topic from the topic list in the Forum in PoliformaT and post a reply. In your reply, write down the names of the members of your team right next to the topic you have chosen. Only ONE of the group members should post this message. If the topic you like is not on the list, you can suggest a new topic.

    STEP 2: Write your script. Remember, you must write your own script. You can read other texts and look for some information, but you must not copy and paste. One of the main goals of this project is to develop your English writing skills in a creative way. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

   You might try using GoogleDocs to create your script collaboratively.

    STEP 3: Once you have written your script, upload it onto your Dropbox in PoliformaT. Your teacher will check it and send it back to you so that you can make the necessary corrections.

   STEP 4: Upload the subsequent versions of your script. Please, DON'T START RECORDING UNTIL YOU'RE GIVEN YOUR TEACHER'S APPROVAL. You will need to review your script and to edit it several times before its final version is ready to be recorded.   

   STEP 5: Prepare your storyboard. Storyboards are graphic organisers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualising a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence. Storyboarding entails separating your story into natural and/or purposeful breaks, embellishing the story with pictures, and sequencing the pictures accordingly. Storyboarding procedures will require continuous reading, and sometimes editing, of your story. Storyboarding will help you decide how to synchronise the narration (the script) and the media (images, videos, music): you need to decide the number of seconds or of images that you will show when reading every passage from your script. Decide what stretches of your scripts are going to be used as subtitles and insert them.

    STEP 6: Then, decide the kinds of media you would like to use (images, videos, music, text, subtitles, voice, sound effects, etc.) and look for some appropriate images, videos and music. You can create them yourselves if you like.

    STEP 7: Decide the software you would like to use. 

    STEP 8: Record your voices, that is, the voice-over narration. Every group member must narrate about 1 minute of the story.

    STEP 9: Once your teacher approves your final digital story, you must share it with your teacher and with your peers by posting a link in the Forum. A thread will be opened by the teacher for each digital story (please try not to post your link in somebody else's thread by mistake).  

    STEP 10: Watch at least 4 digital stories done by your classmates once they have posted their links in the Forum.

   STEP 11: Leave your constructive comments and opinions about each of the digital stories in the Forum (at least 4). 

  STEP 12: Fill in the assessment sheet to evaluate your mates' digital stories. 

   STEP 13: Leave your constructive comments about the other groups' oral presentations of the making-of in the Forum (ALL of them).

   STEP 14: Fill in the assessment sheet to evaluate your mates' oral presentations.

  STEP 15: Once you have completed all the previous steps, complete the POST-PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE about the fulfillment of your expectations and results. 

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